A Plan To Let The IRS Do Your Taxes?
Yes, according to an article in Fox News, there is a proposed plan that permits the IRS do people’s taxes so that folks won’t have to do their own income taxes. “Crazy” you say? Maybe crazy like a fox.
In the midst of an economic meltdown it is not surprising that both parties are fighting to get more money from taxpayers without actually raising taxes. One of the ways to do that may be to provide some government services at a cost to those who opt for them.
But here’s the kicker. The GOP says that the proposed plan by the Democrats supposedly launched to help poor people do their taxes is actually a scam to charge the poor to have Uncle Sam provide the service to do the taxes.
So, is it a true service that Democrats want to provide citizens or is the GOP correct that it is merely a way for charging taxpayers for the service?
You have to wonder why the GOP suddenly is so concerned about poor people paying more money to the government when that simply is NOT the usual occurrence. You can bet the farm that most wealthy people do NOT do their own taxes. They surely have top accountants and/or tax consultants doing their taxes.
Another thought I have is whether having the IRS do your taxes actually is an invasion of your privacy by a government agency, even if the service is optional? Also, isn’t that a conflict of interest?
Furthermore, does the IRS have the responsibility or right under the laws of our Constitution to perform such a tax “service” for taxpayers?
The above is especially a concern when we consider that there are groups throughout the nation who state that the very existences of the IRS is unconstitutional.
It will be interesting to see how the plan will progress, as it is interesting that the GOP appears to be against the plan.
How do you feel about the IRS doing your income taxes and also that the agency may charge a fee for doing so?
Don’t be surprised if the Democrats and/or the GOP continue to propose more unusual and creative ways to take more money from taxpayers.
Peter Stern, a former director of information services, university professor and public school administrator, is a disabled Vietnam veteran who lives in Driftwood, Texas.
Economically, The World Is Becoming A Bigger Mess!
I’ve been reading some articles from domestic and European news media. It’s a depressing read.
Most of us are aware of economic woes in Germany, Greece, and Italy. Europe is in trouble. I’ve been reading about situations in London (a friend first alerted me to it) where even though the UK has a social health care system in place, people who need to see a doctor are given a limited time to do so. If you miss the appointment, you can’t get another one for a long time. So, to combat that situation residents take the long drive to Spain to get their health care needs and/or emergencies taken care of.
That in itself is a sad and scary commentary on socialized health care.
I also believe that the UK to Spain health care connection may be terminated soon by the Spanish government because I’ve been reading that Spain is in a worse economic status than the above nations. How much longer will Spain be able to provide health care to those who are residents of another nation? Not long.
It seems that the World is becoming a bigger mess. Not just in Europe and the U.S., but also in other areas of Asia, Middle East, Africa, South America, etc. There is an epidemic of chaotic governments and oppressed citizens. All of this affects the U.S. economy and business climate for American investors, which affects the American people directly.
The marches taking place across the nation (e.g., New York) are merely a symbol of the symptoms occurring all over the world. How authorities are handling the marchers is a concern. It’s getting quite scary out there.
The view from here is that it will only get worse because governments (including ours) are only interested in continuing political games, vying for power and control and the need for greed. The majority of people are more of a nuisance than anything more tangible. We are pawns in the way of the elite nobility in search of a checkmate.
It is getting very scary out there. It is getting more clear to everyone that government is not motivated to resolve urgent issues. Neither is the corporate big-business sector. Basically, we are being left to fend for ourselves in an ever-increasing costly climate. We are NOT earning enough to pay our expenditures. It is getting very scary out there.
Peter Stern, a former director of information services, university professor and public school administrator, is a disabled Vietnam veteran who lives in Driftwood, Texas.
U.S. Deaths Increasing Due To Japanese Radiation
FUKUSHIMA, Japan – A drastic increase in cancer is being reported in the United States which coincides with the date range following the Japanese tsunami and radiation traveling from nuclear power plants in Fukushima, information which the federal government is reluctant to expose to the public.
In a recent interview, Dr. James Fetzer on his The Real Deal radio broadcast asked independent geoscientist Loren Moret, who has done expert studies on the Fukushima disaster and has reported about major radiation problems caused by the military using depleted uranium in its weaponry, said that the Centers for Disease Control, a federal agency, has reported 34,129 excess deaths in the United States compared to a year ago for the time period March 13 to Sept. 3, 2011.
“There is no reasonable explanation for such a large and very alarming increase in death rates, which in some regions, for instance the mountain region from Montana to the border of Mexico … had a 9.1% increase in death rates as of September 3rd since the Fukushima disaster.
“The radiation levels in the environment, and the increase in death rates and diseases from the radiation exposure are based on weather and on geography. So in areas that are mountainous, they will have very high rainfall and rainout of radiation into the environment, so in this mountain region the death rate has increased 9.1 percent, or it is actually a total of 7,723 deaths in eight states. That is almost a 1,000 deaths per state.”
Moret explained that the result of the disaster in Japan and Fukushima “is the same thing as releasing 300 times more radiation than Chernobyl, or a 1,000 times more than atmospheric testing.
“In an acute exposure like this we are inhaling it. The worst exposure of all is inhaling nanoparticles of radioactive material, because 70% of those very tiny particles go right through the blood-lung barrier into the blood, and cholesterol and lipids in the blood pick up those radioactive particles and hide them. They mask them from the body’s defenses and they are carried by the lipids and cholesterol right through the cell walls into the most intimate parts of the cell, and that has to function properly in order for life to go on normally.
“And when that radiation gets into the cells and is filtered out in the tissues of the body, the muscles and everything, it just completely destroys a person’s health. It may be slowly, it may be very rapidly, but people today, many of these people who died in that total death count of 34,129 people are people whose health was already marginalized and compromised by previous disease, or what they had inherited as their health future and their health history from their own parents and grandparents and families.
“So the weaker people are the ones who die first. They die almost immediately. And winter is coming now, so there is always a big die-off of elderly or people in the winter time who just do not have a strong enough immune system to fight off flu or colds or pneumonia, so they die especially in the winter period.
“But this radiation can cause them to die in low death rate periods like the summer or a warm spring or a warm fall. So we are seeing what basically is the effects of nuclear war on a civilian population without anyone in America hardly even knowing it.”
Moret expressed concern that the United States food supply is at dire risk. “It is going right into our food supply,” she said. “So the Pacific fishing catch is not edible. People should not be eating fish out of the north Pacific at all. And that is really a tragedy because most of the salmon for the world, much of it comes from the Alaska salmon fisheries, which is absolutely huge.”
“Politicians and the government officials and even academics are complicit in this,” she said. “In May, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton signed an agreement with the Prime Minister of Japan to continue importing food untested from Japan for American consumption.”
On the issue of depleted uranium, Moret blamed its use on the power of corporations.
“You have to realize that the politicians and the government agencies that are allowing these nuclear technologies to be promoted and used and the effects hidden are complicit in this whole thing and the politicians are very, very involved in making profits on promoting the use of certain illegal weapons like depleted uranium or basically nuclear power,” said the radiation expert.
“It is really an illegal weapon being used against the public.
“They take bribes and they have ties to the nuclear industry. They own stock or they are on the board of directors of the Carlisle Group, or the United Technologies, or companies that are making illegal weapons. And then they also own the pharmaceutical companies.
“I am referring specifically to George W. Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld, who own the pharmaceutical companies, peddling the medicines to sick people, sick citizens, who are the victims of the weapons that these same people have a vested interest in promoting.
“The Carlisle Group, which was started by George Herbert Walker Bush and others, made their first big pile of money on the depleted uranium weapons that were introduced by President George H. W. Bush to the battlefield in 1990 in Iraq, and as a result, we have two million soldiers today, medically disabled since 1990 because of depleted uranium.
“They are so sick they can’t even drive. They were — many of them have called me and told me they wanted to commit suicide. Two months after they got to Iraq for the 2003 Iraq War, they were already mentally ill from the effects of radiation. It has huge, huge — uranium has a tremendous impact on the heart and the brain and also the neuromuscular system. So we have a 55% medical disability rate in our soldiers. It may be even higher now since 1990 when DU was introduced to the battlefield.
“After World War II it was a 5% medical disability rate — that’s with conventional weapons except for the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki — after Vietnam because of Agent Orange, the medical disability rate went up 10%, but since 1990 with these uranium weapons the medical disability rate is over 55%.
“It is in the soldier’s bodies, in their semen, in their blood, in their sweat, and they come back sick from Iraq or Afghanistan or Yugoslavia and they internally contaminate their wives and partners, the babies born after the men are exposed are born with horrific birth defects with no legs or no arms. With one eye in the middle of the forehead, that is called cyclopia. All these rare birth defects are occurring not only in our soldiers, but in Fallujah, in the Iraqi population the rate is much higher.”
Amerika Uber Alles: Our Zionazi Nation
While I always hope to be wrong in my worst-case analysis, my Wednesday article, Nuclear November, is supported by a cascade of alarming indicators that make it certain that Israel is about to prove Europeans right in their opinion that it’s the world’s most dangerous nation. Armed with one of the world’s largest nuclear arsenals, they cry out to humanity that they are history’s greatest victims; but more and more of humanity is crying out that they are history’s greatest victimizers.
Recent events support the Judeophobes over the Judeophiles, and warrant the coining of a new word, Judeopathic, to describe the actions of the self-proclaimed Jewish Nation. They either are preparing to start a war with Iran, or are running a bluff to push the West into a stronger anti-Iran position to avert war. Look to Adolf Hitler’s 1936 Rhineland, 1938 Czechoslovakia and 1939 Poland threats for a close parallel. In the first and second cases he was bluffing; in the third he wasn’t. Then as now, informed insiders thought hard about it all, and misinformed masses hardly thought at all.
The coming third world war demands reflection on the second. In my abbreviated but adventurous life, I have enjoyed the friendship and mentoring of U.S. World War Two veterans from both European and Pacific theaters, as well as Russians and Germans from both sides of the front. With Veterans Day, 11/11/11, fast approaching, I dedicate this edition of Amerika Uber Alles, first published by The Lone Star Iconoclast in 2007, to them. I offer it to my readers without updates, believing that what I posted four years ago has stood the test of time.
Amerika Uber Alles: Our Zionazi Nation
Saint Peter’s Prologue
The most persuasive anti-Nazi I ever knew was my mentor, Dr. Peter W. Guenther, who believed that Nazism was monstrous at every level. As a professor of humanities, he thought it was both inhumane and inhuman. As a professor of art history, he thought its aesthetics were artless histrionics. He readily granted that his intellectual opinions were molded by his personal experiences. As a German veteran of World War II, he regretted the loss of his youth, the waste of his friends’ lives and the devastation that they had inflicted on others. He held Hitler accountable for all of this – after all, it was Hitler who had drafted them into the war. He had served from 1939 to 1945, from Poland to Norway, France and Russia. He once quipped that before every one of their invasions their leaders said they were fighting for national defense, but after the shooting started every soldier on every side believed that he was fighting for his own self-defense.
By the time of the Iraq war he was retired from academe, and I was writing military analysis for media. As U.S. forces began storming up the Euphrates Valley in the spring of 2003, hell-bent on Baghdad, we began to discuss the limited American mobilized manpower and materiel, and the overall limitations of blitz tactics. Guided by his insights, I published a then-radical op-ed in the Houston Chronicle that warned of a quicksand war in Iraq, and maybe a world war as a result of it.
As the easy war promised us by the Bush administration wore on into the summer of 2003, Dr. Guenther and I began to note that there were more similarities between Post-9/11 America and Third Reich Germany than just over-reliance on Blitzkrieg tactics, and we determined that the two nations were following parallel political courses. Most disturbing for my mentor, who had become a patriotic American citizen after World War II, was the painful conclusion that our American president, with his global war for a New American Century, was just another German fuhrer, with a world war for a Thousand Year Reich.
“This is a bad copy of a bad original,” he said.
“Drang Nach Osten” — The Eastern Offensive
George W. Bush came into office with a secret war plan and no excuse to implement it – just as Hitler had come into office in 1933 with the same predicament. Both of them wanted the prize of Middle Eastern oil. In Hitler’s case that meant going through “Judeo-Bolshevik” Russia on the way, while in Bush’s case that meant going through “Islamo-Fascist” Iraq. In Hitler’s case the guiding document was Mein Kampf, while in Bush’s case there were two. A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm was presented to the Israeli government in 1996 by American neocons Douglas Feith, Richard Perle and David Wurmser, among others. Resbuilding America’s Defenses was presented to the American government in 2000. Its arguments mirrored the Israeli document, and had been drawn up by the neocons as well. In 2001 Feith, Perle and Wurmser became key Bush administration members.
Neither Hitler’s nor Bush’s plans for world dominance could have been pursued without some good luck. Both leaders entered office with over half their nations opposing them, and an avid opposition that wanted to pull them down. Hitler’s good luck came with the Reichstag fire, blamed on Jewish Communists, which mobilized his fatherland to rally behind him. Bush’s good luck happened on 9/11, blamed on Muslim Fundamentalists, which mobilized his homeland to rally behind him.
In both cases, their followers smiled at their good luck, and began their new order of things. Hitler quickly instituted an Enabling Act for the protection of the German people, slated for expiration in five years, which was quietly continued. Bush quickly instituted a Patriot Act for the protection of the American people, slated for expiration in five years, which was quietly continued. Hitler created the Geheime Staatspolizei (Gestapo) to further protect the German people, while Bush created the Department of Homeland Security (Homeseca) to do the same for the American people.
“Führer Prinzip” — The Unitary Executive
Both leaders were believers in the authoritarian concept. A few weeks before assuming office, Bush said outright that he thought dictatorship would be a fine form of government, if he could be the dictator. They both believed that power should come from above and obedience should come from below, and they offered protection in exchange for loyalty. Thus no one was surprised when Hermann Goering made a fortune helping to run Germany, just as no one was surprised when Irving “Scooter” Libby received a pardon for his pro-Bush political crimes in America.
Both leaders supplemented their new security police and security acts with concentration camps such as Dachau and Gitmo, initially designed for only a small percentage of national enemies. Both dispensed with international rules and regulations in their treatment of enemies in those installations, and applied a wide variety of innovative persuasive techniques to extract information and obtain confessions. The lessons learned in these proto-type camps proved to be invaluable in later establishments such as Auschwitz and Abu Ghraib.
Both leaders relied on agreeable legislatures. In Germany the Reichstag cheered enthusiastically as it endorsed the increase in police powers, the reduction in civil rights and the national march to world war. In America Congress did the same things, but in more subdued fashion, even with a show of dissent. In Germany, Hitler declared a dictatorship under Article 48, provided by the old Weimar Constitution in the event of a national emergency. In America Bush recently issued National Security Presidential Directive 51 (NSPD 51), thereby legalizing a dictatorship in the event of a national emergency.
“Gott Mit Uns” — God’s on Our Side
Neither Hitler nor Bush could have effected their radical plans without a party full of functionaries and a compliant national media, of course. Hitler relied on his “Nazi” party, an acronym of his National Socialist Party. He had a brilliant individual named Joseph Goebbels to control the Reich Propaganda Ministry and rally the public behind Nazi policies. Bush relied on his “Nozi” party, an anagram of Zion. He had a brilliant cartel of Zionists to control the American Mainstream Media and rally the public behind Nozi policies.
The greatest accomplishment of both the Nazi and Nozi parties was convincing themselves and their citizens that they were not conspirators of any sort, but rather the victims of an international conspiracy. The Nazi party said that Judeo-Communism was the hidden enemy, against which all the powers of a determined fatherland had to be directed, and that they were the targets of anti-German propaganda. The Nozi party says that Islamo-Fascism is the hidden enemy, against which all the powers of a determined homeland have to be directed, and that they are the targets of anti-Semitic propaganda.
The rest of the world didn’t buy the pro-war propaganda from Germany’s Nazis three generations ago, and they don’t buy it from America’s Nozis three generations later. The way the rest of the world sees it, what we have been taught to call the axis of evil is not so dangerous to the world as the axis of America and Israel. They see American naval forces massing in the name of national defense against Iran, and they remember Iraq. They see Israeli air forces attacking Syria, and they remember Lebanon. The rest of the world knows who we have become, even if we don’t.
Saint Peter’s Epilogue
Dr. Peter W. Guenther died on his 85th birthday, March 30, 2005, followed six months later by his wife of 58 years, Andrea. They were my Baucis and Philemon, the most elegant couple I ever knew — particularly when I visited them, with my apish martial artist hands and heavy East Texas twang.
I can fairly call him my comrade, since the writing I continued to push and publish carried us far over the line of journalism and into intelligence, and had both of us ducking for cover in mid-July, 2003. The same can be said of my other WWII advisor, Mr. Joseph Coleman, an Army veteran who had served in the Pacific. Thanks to their alarmed admonitions, I went underground on July 17, 2003 — half a day before Bush and Blair started a five-day series of assassinations beginning with Dr. David Kelly in England.
Dr. G and Mr. C saved my life, and those of us who were involved knew it; those who lacked the brains or guts to be involved say that it couldn’t have happened. It’s the same story with all wars, my mentors taught and my experience confirms. The loudest growls inevitably come from from the mouths of paper tigers. For the best account of what it was really happened, see the article by Iconoclast publisher W. Leon Smith. For a sample of our correspondence before things became deadly, see my Rebel Redux.
Captain Eric H. May, the Lone Star Iconoclast intelligence editor, has developed an international readership for his false flag analysis. Captain May, a former Army intelligence officer, is the commander of Ghost Troop cyber militia.
Texas Constitutional Amendment Election Nov. 8
Texas voters will be asked to approve 10 proposed amendments to the state constitution. Don’t forget to bring your voter registration card AND a photo ID with you or else you will NOT be permitted to vote. The new voter photo ID law was passed in the last legislative session.
Here’s a brief overview of the proposals (some of this was taken from the sites of the Texas Secretary of State and the Austin American-Statesman). When appropriate I give my opinion on a proposed amendment:
Proposition 1: Allowing surviving spouses of totally disabled veterans to receive a homestead tax exemption
Currently, military veterans who have been declared 100 percent disabled can receive a homestead exemption for tax purposes, but it does not transfer to their spouses when they die. The amendment would transfer the exemption to a surviving spouse.
This is the one proposal that I WILL vote for. The total number of 100 percent or totally disabled veterans is a very small fraction of the total population. In addition, the spouses of the deceased veteran may have had to give up their job to care for the veteran and may have lost their savings. I believe it is the right thing to do and in all honesty, it should have been part of the original exemption bill that was approved several years ago, but legislators once again “missed a beat.”
Proposition 2: Renewing authority for Texas Water Development Board bonds
Under voter authorization granted in 2001, the Water Development Board is authorized to issue up to $2 billion in general obligation bonds to finance water and wastewater projects for public entities — including cities, districts and nonprofit water supply corporations — at a lower interest rate than they could receive without state backing. The amendment would increase bonding authority to $6 billion and allow the board to issue bonds as needed, without voter approval, as long as that limit is not exceeded.
I will vote against this special interest proposal for 2 reasons. First, it is more government regulation via a Water Development Board that we really don’t need. Secondly, any type of bonds means additional property taxes for homeowners. Homeowners are paying enough in taxes. The San Antonio watchdog organization TURF also is against this proposition.
Proposition 3: Renewing state bond authority to finance low-interest student loans
The amendment would authorize the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to issue general obligation bonds to finance low-interest loans for college students. The College Access Loan program is open to students enrolled at least half time without regard to financial need, although they must have good credit or a co-signer with good credit. The amendment would give the coordinating board ongoing authority to issue bonds without further voter approval as long as bond issues do not exceed $350 million a year and the principal amount of outstanding bonds does not exceed $1.9 billion.
At first reading it sounds like a worthwhile proposal; however, I will be voting against this proposal. Once again, a government authorized entity is ruling for the people and it is pushing bond issues that will result in higher taxes for Texans who already pay some of the highest taxes in the nation.
Proposition 4: Allowing counties to participate in certain tax financing zones
Currently, incorporated cities and towns are allowed to finance development of an unproductive, underdeveloped or blighted area and to pledge increases in property tax revenue in the area to repay the bonds. The amendment would expand this right to counties.
This proposal looks to increase the power of city and county governments in manipulating taxpayer dollars to finance special interest issues. The watchdog group San Antonio’s TURF also is against this proposition. I will vote no on it.
Proposition 5: Allowing city and county interlocal contracts without tax and sinking fund
Currently, the Constitution prohibits cities and counties from creating debt unless a tax is levied that is sufficient to pay the interest on the debt and the debt is paired with a sinking fund of at least 2 percent of the principal. A sinking fund is an amount set aside to cover future installment payments on a debt obligation. Proposition 5 would authorize cities and counties to enter interlocal agreements with other cities or counties without meeting those requirements.
This is another special interest issue and one that is bad for taxpayers and voters. Why would we want to increase the potential for more debt? I am voting no on this one.
Proposition 6: Distributing from Permanent School Fund to Available School Fund
Currently, public education in Texas is funded in part by a trust fund called the Permanent School Fund, which is managed by the State Board of Education and contains proceeds from state lands and mineral rights. Land managed by the School Land Board is excluded from the market value calculation of that fund. The amendment would change that, thus providing additional funding for the Available School Fund and, ultimately, for public education.
First of all, the State Board of Education (SBOE) should be dismantled. It is another government agency that has too much control over our lives and the educational programs in the state. In addition, it is a politically motivated agency that has no merit to developing REAL educational quality and purpose for our children. I will vote no on this proposal.
Proposition 7: Authorizing districts in El Paso County to issue bonds for parks and recreational facilities
The amendment would add El Paso County to the list of local governments allowed under the Constitution to form conservation and reclamation districts and to issue bonds and levy taxes to develop and finance parks and other recreational facilities.
This is an issue that should be voted on first by the voters in El Paso County before going before all Texas voters. After all, those taxpayers will be forced to pay more in property taxes for any proposed bond packages and so should be the ones to determine whether the proposal should be considered by all state voters. I will vote no on this proposition.
Proposition 8: Appraising open-space land for water stewardship
Currently, the Constitution allows the Legislature to tax open-space land according to its productive capacity, and reduced taxes are available for landowners who farm, ranch, maintain wildlife or produce timber. The amendment would add water stewardship to the list.
Another special interest proposal. Why should water developers get a freebie on paying taxes? They stand to make the most from water development and should pay land taxes to do so. I will vote no on this proposal.
Proposition 9: Allowing pardon by the governor after successful deferred adjudication
Currently, the governor can grant a pardon to a person convicted of most crimes, as long as the State Board of Pardons and Paroles recommends it. But the governor is not authorized to pardon someone who receives deferred adjudication because there is no criminal conviction in those cases. The amendment would allow such pardons.
The governor should NOT be given any more power than the position currently has, including this proposal. I will vote against this proposition.
Proposition 10: Lengthening period before county officials must resign to run for another office
Currently, many county officials must resign from their public offices to run for another office if their unexpired terms exceed one year from the declaration of candidacy. State election law was changed this year to move the candidate filing period one month earlier. The amendment would maintain the status quo by extending the length of the unexpired term requiring automatic resignation from one year to one year and 30 days.
This is a terrible proposition! What we should be doing is to cut the length of the terms rather than extending them. If a person wishes to run for another office, then they should have the decency to leave the current post. In addition to taking time from office to run for another position, there may be a conflict of interest involved between the 2 jobs. I will vote no on this proposition.
In fact, we need to change the law that enables the Governor to run for President without stepping-down from the position first. Bush did it and now Perry is also doing it and it’s not fair to the people of Texas.
In conclusion, historically most propositions on constitutional ballots are approved by voters (between 80 and 90 percent) . That has been a big mistake, but we seem not to learn from our history and experiences. By comparison, I generally vote for a maximum of 10 percent of all constitutional propositions because most of them are special interest driven and are NOT in the best interests of the Texas community.
Peter Stern, a former director of information services, university professor and public school administrator, is a disabled Vietnam veteran who lives in Driftwood, Texas.
Nuclear November: Izzies Want Iran War
Israel, the country that 60 percent of Europeans considered the world’s most dangerous nation in a 2002 poll, is close to starting yet another war, its third in the last five years, this time with Iran.
The Jewish Nation, propped up by apartheid and war crime, cries that worldwide anti-Semitism is rising up against Worldwide Jewry by paying too little attention to Iran and too much attention to Palestine — and it intends to fix things soon. The cacophony of war drums grew loud on Halloween:
Netanyahu: Nuclear Iran threatens Israel
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Monday that a nuclear Iran would be a serious and direct threat to Israel. “A nuclear Iran poses a heavy threat to the entire world – and to Israel in particular,” Netanyahu said during the opening of the Knesset’s winter session, warning that the regime in Tehran is continuing its efforts to obtain nuclear weapons. — Haaretz, 10/31/11
It grew louder later:
US fears Israeli strike on Iran
Many Israelis are concerned that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak decided on an attack on Iran’s nuclear reactors. The US is naturally also concerned over such plans which may send the entire region into a whirlwind. — Ynetnews, 10/31/11
It grew louder still yesterday:
Israel warns West: Time to stop Iran
Israeli ambassadors in Western countries have been instructed to inform high-ranking politicians that the window of opportunity for imposing effective sanctions on Iran is closing, as part of a renewed diplomatic offensive aimed at using new sanctions to stop Tehran from developing a nuclear bomb. — Haaretz, 11/1/11
These dangerous developments corroborate my analyses and admonitions, which can be found in my Veterans Today archive. My latest five about Israel/Iran war prospects should be interesting to intelligent readers, and invidious to the Israel Lobby — as all worthwhile analysis should be:
Bunkered Barack Obama Awaits World War
10/25 — There are unsettling current events that make this presidential appearance in Denver seem like another command post exercise ready to go live for a false flag, world war or both.
San Antonio 10-19-11 Terror Plot
10/22 — It’s a story that bears chilling similarities to the terror attacks conducted against Oklahoma City and New York City, but the Wednesday morning arrest of five Moroccan terrorist suspects in San Antonio quickly passed from the lurid to the ludicrous in media descriptions.
America Awakens to Denver False Flag Danger
9/27 — Denver, location of the nation’s state-of-emergency command apparatus, was the scene of massive terror training Friday. With financial markets crumbling worldwide, Zionists reeling from the push for Palestinian statehood in the UN and an Israeli attack on Iran, as reported by Haaretz, under consideration, a false flag operation may well be in the works, and Obama’s placement in Denver may well be the king retreating to his castle before the battle begins.
9/25 — Before I am assailed by the usual screams from the usual suspects, let me point out that the fear of Jewish jihadists starting a world war is not uniquely mine. There was an op-ed by Jewish dissident Sefi Rachlevsky in Haaretz Wednesday that said the same thing: Netanyahu must be stopped from attacking Iran.
BREAKING: Texas City Terror Scare
9/23 — Late last night I received this report from a reliable source inside the mammoth BP refinery in Texas City, Texas: “This morning at 0930, the fire alarms went off at BP, causing an evacuation. Normally BP announces in advance when it is going to have an emergency drill, but in this case employees said that they were surprised. Many said that they were reminded of the unannounced nuclear exercise of 2006, and believe that something is up.” Nine hours after the emergency drill there was an emergency.
To summarize my five articles:
- Israel needs U.S. backing for a war with Iran, which can be most easily gained by a false flag terror attack against the U.S.
- There have been two false flag close calls in the last six weeks, each followed by an Obama retreat to the emergency command citadel of Denver.
- The U.S.and Israel are rehearsing a joint false flag and world war plan.
The writing is on his wall, and it’s up to the Internet Intelligentsia to do what it does best by investigating it and discussing it, for these are the best means of preventing it.
* For the best and bravest documentary about Israeli false flag terror, watch filmmaker Mike Delaney’s 9/11 Missing Links.
Captain Eric H. May, the Lone Star Iconoclast intelligence editor, has developed an international readership for his false flag analysis. Captain May, a former Army intelligence officer, is the commander of Ghost Troop cyber militia.
U.S. Govt. Prepping For Nationwide Broadcasts
Nov. 9 Marks Day Of First Test
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Formerly called the Emergency Broadcast System, the Emergency Alert System (EAS) will conduct a test on Nov. 9 by taking over nationwide TV and radio stations, including satellite radio and satellite televisions providers, for an undetermined segment of time.
The EAS has been in existence since 1994 and, according to the Federal Communications Commission, wants to expand its capability of transmitting emergency alerts and warnings to the American public at the national level. State and local alerts have already been happening on regular basis.
The EAS will function as one key component of a national alert and warning system that will provide alerts over multiple communications platforms, including mobile communications devices.
An EAS alert is based on an audio protocol defined in the FCC’s rules. In the EAS, an alert originator at the local, state, or national level inputs an EAS alert into the system using specific encoding equipment. Specially designated stations then broadcast this alert to the public in their listening areas.
The EAS alerting architecture is frequently used by state and local emergency managers to send alerts to the public about emergencies and weather events. While the requirements for carrying a national-level EAS alert differ in some respects from state and local alerts, the national EAS test will test the underlying architecture that also supports state and local alerting.
Ensuring that the EAS architecture functions properly will benefit emergency alerting at all levels of government, notes the FCC.
According to the FCC, the EAS provides the ability to send messages regionally or nationally, though it has never been activated at these levels.
“But a major disaster like an earthquake or tsunami could necessitate the use of the EAS on a regional or national basis to send life-saving information to the public. We cannot anticipate which communications infrastructure will withstand a particular disaster, but the EAS is one of the tools we have to send alerts, warnings, and information to the American people. The national EAS test will help us improve its capabilities should it ever be needed at the regional or national level in an actual emergency.”
Pursuant to the FCC’s rules, local and state components of the EAS are tested on a weekly and monthly basis, respectively. Although the EAS has been in existence for over 15 years, there has never been an end-to-end, nationwide test of the system.
The FCC hopes to learn that the system will work as intended should public safety officials ever need to send an alert or warning to a large region of the United States. “Only a top-down, simultaneous test of all components of the EAS can provide an appropriate diagnosis of system-wide performance.”
The national EAS test will be conducted jointly by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) through its Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Weather Service (NWS), the three federal agencies that have EAS management responsibilities.
FEMA is the arm of the DHS primarily responsible for developing national alert and warning functions. The FCC is an independent agency that grants licenses to or otherwise oversees EAS Participants. FCC rules regulate the transmission of EAS alerts. The NWS is a key player in the dissemination of local warnings via the EAS. The great majority of EAS alerts are NWS weather-related alerts.
On Nov. 9, at 1 p.m. CST, FEMA will transmit the EAS code for national level emergencies to Primary Entry Point (PEP) stations in the national level of the EAS. The PEP stations will then rebroadcast the alert to the general public in their broadcast vicinity, as well as to the next level of EAS Participants monitoring them.
Says the FCC, “This should continue through all levels of the system, until the national alert has been distributed throughout the entire country.” It is anticipated that a national test will be conducted periodically to ensure that the EAS is, and remains, functional.
FEMA and the FCC have already twice tested the EAS national code on a more limited basis, in the state of Alaska. The lessons learned from the Alaska tests will inform how the agencies conduct the national test.
According to the FCC, “During the test, viewers will hear a message indicating that ‘This is a test.’ Although the National EAS Test may resemble the periodic, monthly EAS tests that most Americans are already familiar with, there will be some differences in what viewers will see and hear, which is one reason for conducting a national EAS test.”
The audio message will be the same for all EAS Participants; however, due to limitations in the EAS, the video test message scroll may not be the same or indicate that “This is a test.” This is due to the use of a “live” national code – the same code that would be used in an actual emergency. In addition, the background image that appears on video screens during an alert may indicate that “This is a test,” but in some instances there might not be an image at all. FEMA and the FCC plan to conduct outreach to organizations representing people with hearing disabilities to prepare that community for the national EAS test. Outreach will include specific information tailored to the needs of those with hearing disabilities that will be readily available at online sites.
It is anticipated that this test will last approximately three minutes. While state and local EAS messages are limited to two minutes, there is no time limit for national EAS alerts. To evaluate whether the system properly interprets the national message code in the national EAS test, the message duration must be longer than two minutes.
While EAS tests may be disruptive, the FCC intends to minimize disruption and confusion to the extent possible.
EAS Participants must take part in nationwide tests of the EAS. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which administers the EAS, has the authority to ensure the conduct of training, tests, and exercises of the EAS by Executive Order.
Some opponents to providing government agencies total access to public airwaves speculate that preparations are being made for creation of a national emergency by the government itself to result in the ultimate loss of control of the airwaves by local broadcasters. Others fear that this intrusion could result in a gradual federal government takeover of all broadcasting.
GTO: Give Thanks for Occupy
GTO #1: We are talking about reality from a peace and justice perspective. In many parts of U.S. American culture, it is considered rude and off-putting to talk about politics unless you want to complain about immigrants, homeless, unemployed or others who have been moving downward in our society. Occupy is bringing important matters—poverty, lack of health care, unemployment, more wealth into the greedy hands of the rich, unaffordable education, stupid costly wars—into our public discourse.
GTO #2: We are talking to each other about tough stuff from the bottom up. To date the sole purpose of an occupation is to take public space, to be visible, and most importantly, to create a centralized location for diverse groups of people to gather. People who would never come face to face in their own neighborhood or workplace are now taking inventory of their grievances and formulating creative solutions together.
GTO #3: We are taking action and we see some small but significant progress. Occupations around the world are continually putting pressure on big banks. Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Citigroup, USBank, etc., received $1.4 trillion in bailouts, paid in full by taxpayers in 2008 and announced a monthly fee to use a debit card. The voices of Occupiers filled the streets and the Internet and in a month’s time, more than 650,000 accounts from said banks had been closed by November 5th, 2011 totaling more than $4.3 billion. The numbers rise every day and the banks retracted their fees within weeks of their instatement.
GTO #4: We are standing for our commons and we are stalling polluting profiteering. The Occupy movement joined other grassroots movements to take a stand to cancel the installation of the Keystone Pipeline XL. This pipe is intended to run from the tar sands in Alberta, Canada to refineries on the Texas Gulf Coast. Concerns were raised about having a BP sized oil spill on land and wiping out people’s homes, taking over their land, ruining rivers, and contaminating aquifers that supply clean water. They argue that oil is not a sustainable resource and is contributing to climate change. Together these movements have delayed construction up to 18 months while we search and struggle for a better solution.
GTO #5: We are helping create a countervailing Congressional voice and action. The Occupy movement voices echo through streets upon streets as they mic check their government and corporations alike and some in Congress hear them. On November 12th, the U.S. Senate, prompted in large part by Occupy, proposed an amendment to the Constitution to overturn Citizens United, the poor ruling by the US Supreme Court that took off the restraints on corporate giving to politicians. As it stands now, large corporations can “buy” candidates to represent their interests. The proposed amendment leaves the decisions for Congress and individual states to decide.
GTO #6: We are giving new power to the better nature of our president. President Obama cites the grievances expressed by Occupy to push for legislative help. The Jobs Bill provides incentives to hire veterans and provides tax cuts to small businesses to get the economy moving. At least in part, it is seemingly what America has been waiting for.
GTO #7: We have broken through the mainstream media newsworthy fortress wall. Presence in the mainstream media is another fantastic accomplishment for the movement. Occupy accompanies the talking heads to make room for a voice for the disappearance of the middle class, illegal foreclosure, increasing poverty, unemployment, student loan debt, the fractional reserve banking system, and so much more. When they address the economic state of this country, it is no longer an individualistic problem, but a structural imbalance. People are waking up and seeing more than chaos, they see that they, too, are a paycheck away from being out on the streets.
None of these accomplishments is enough and all are meaningful steps. Our 99 percent are trained to discredit and scoff at something they do not understand, but let us reflect a bit differently now at this juncture, as we enter the season of competing values of thanks, of compassion, of consumerism, and of the potential for great generosity and growth. There has never in history been a global movement that has happened quite like this. Observers have nothing to compare this to and do not know what the implications could be. The fear of the unknown can be debilitating to some but seems to be exciting to those of us who embrace it.
The Occupy Movement is young, only a touch over two months old in the United States and it is gaining considerable momentum. Many are excited to see what there is in store in the next few months. At least let us set aside some of the inevitable problems and give thanks for the enormous effort we have expended, the small but significant gains we have made, and the lessons which we can all take from Occupy so far.
Tyger Ricard is a student and an Occupy veteran from Portland, Oregon.