This May Be The Last Iconoclast Editorial

This May Be The Last Iconoclast Editorial

This May Be The Last Iconoclast Editorial

As Iconoclast publisher W. Leon Smith was planning for perhaps the most intense Iconoclast editorial to ever be written, one involving false flags and the upcoming anniversary of 9/11, forces were working to see that this did not happen.

On Thursday, Aug. 26, he had just completed writing the lead story in this issue of the Iconoclast entitled “How Many Total War Deaths In Iraq?” As he was giving the story one last click with his computer mouse he suffered what has been termed by medical professionals as a stroke. He had lost functionability of his right hand, some of his speech, and part of his right leg, but he was able walk uphill half a block to get assistance.

Much of his speech and right hand movement had returned after a couple of hours. He spent the night in a Central Texas hospital undergoing CT scans, MRI’s, multiple ultrasounds, and many more tests.

He was allowed to return home the next day, the thought being that he had survived virtually unscathed the stroke. His right hand had lost some of its dexterity, however. He wrote in an email to a friend that he had gone from typing 130 wpm to 5 wpm overnight.

Unfortunately, the next day he began having multiple TIA’s, or mini-strokes. From that moment to now he has suffered probably over 70 of these mini-strokes and is continuing to have trouble with them. Experts are thinking that the TIA’s are not being caused by the stroke, but by something else, and they can’t figure out what it is.

One of the offshoots from these strokes/mini-strokes has been his inability to use a computer because when he concentrates on any screen he always has an episode. He has difficulty stringing sentences together with his hands on the keyboard. This may or may not improve over time. The Iconoclast is at stake. As family members we are wishing him very well in this regard and hope that he is able to return immaculately to embrace the passion, the intensity, and the truth that his world embodies and always has.

His interest in the editorial to run in this issue had been to offer the world some education regarding false flags. He had accumulated perhaps hundreds of resources in the media, military, corporations, government, etc. over many years and he had been receiving email and other types of messages from these parties who are each expressing concern over the anniversary of 9/11 this year.

Some of these parties are involved in petrochemicals. Some are involved in toxic waste. Some are involved in military profiteering to the hilt. Many of the messages that he had received were from those who were worried about these particular aspects of the future. A lot of concern was expressed over BP and the oil surge, and the untruthfulness that has expounded from that site and continues to blow oil today. Some are worried that what is there could be ignited and that could cause a major catastrophe. There are other places throughout the world where there are oil spills in the like which offend humanity. Any of these could be the site of a potential false flag, as could the Gulf of Mexico.

A false flag for those who are unaware of what it is, is an attack of ones self, which is blamed on another part in order to get your own populace to be in favor of going to war with this other party. It’s like the Lusitania and World War I, Reighstag and World War II, as two examples.

What he wanted to convey in his editorial is if any major disastrous event happens within the framework of the 9/10/10 or 9/11/10, then there is a grave likelihood that a false flag is the culprit. The public should scrutinize every detail of such an event and not let politicians relegate them to hell. Truth deserves an alternate heaven.

The outcome of our publisher’s health is yet unknown. He has experienced several close calls during his hospitalization, twice fighting to have meds correctly given when otherwise he would have been dead within an hour. There is some concern about this incident happening to an otherwise very healthy 57-year-old. This whole thing is just so strange, and out of the blue, and we are suspicious.

— His Daughters

September 2010