Texas City Exposes BP Explosions
The U.S. Government’s Homeland Security , FBI and Coast Guard have teamed up with BP’s security police in Texas City, Texas to roust journalists who ask questions or take pictures (i.e., do journalism). Claiming Patriot Act powers, they confiscate whatever they want, whenever they want, wherever they want, and from whomever they want.
HOUSTON, 7/15/10 — The U.S. Government’s Homeland Security, FBI and Coast Guard have teamed up with BP’s security police in Texas City, Texas to roust journalists who ask questions or take pictures (i.e., do journalism). Claiming Patriot Act powers, they confiscate whatever they want, whenever they want, wherever they want, and from whomever they want.
Enter the Health Ranger, Mike Adams, editor of NaturalNews.com, to do battle with “Brit Pee,” as Texas Citizens are now calling it. He wrote a 7/7 column, still going viral, in which he considered the possible reasons for BP’s platoons of goons. He close with thought-provoking ideas about the BP “nuclear option” to fix the catastrophe along the Gulf Coast. He wrote:
“There is a conspiracy under way right now. It’s a conspiracy between the U.S. government and British Petroleum to cover-up all evidence of what’s really happening in the Gulf Coast.”
“See, rather than tell the truth about what’s happening in the Gulf, BP has resorted to police state tactics to threaten the media and intimidate journalists, threatening them with arrest, detainment and felony crimes if they get close enough to snap photos of what’s really going on in the Gulf Coast.”
“Perhaps BP and the federal government are about to unleash a nuclear explosion to stop the oil outflow, and they don’t want anyone knowing about it until it’s already done.”
“Perhaps the U.S. government is planning a multi-state roundup and evacuation of the population to clear out the entire Gulf Coast region in anticipation of something big and dangerous (such as a nuke, or an oil-soaked firestorm of a major U.S. city, or a dangerous new chemical being dumped in the Gulf by BP, etc.)”
“Gulf Coast now a BP police state,” Natural News, 7/7/2010
Adams does a good job proving that BP, especially in its “Toxic City” backyard, is a criminal conspiracy posing as a cowboy company. I’m a lifelong Houstonian and journalist whose experience with BP confirms his worst fears — in every particular.
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The Iconoclast has been receiving emails and calls from anxious employees of BP and other Gulf Coast oil companies since we published a report of bizarre high atmosphere explosions over Texas CIty on the night of July 28, 2005. These occurred only three hours after the third major BP Texas City refinery explosion in 15 months, and only two days after the first NASA space shuttle launch since Columbia’s destruction 30 months earlier. NASA was in Clear Lake City, just a quarter hour away, causing many witnesses to suspect that NASA and BP were up to something together.
The insider report below reached us last year, and it shows exactly what Big Oil is trying so hard to silence with lawyers, guns and money.
— On Thu, 7/30/2009, a BP employee wrote:
From: Izzi Ixxi (a pseudonym — CM)
Subject: BP playing anniversary games
To: The Lone Star Iconoclast
Date: Thursday, July 30, 2009, 12:22 AM
Hello Captain,
I’ve been watching their moves at work. I have a plant radio and get to hear everything on the Refinery side and the Chemical side. In the last two weeks a lot of Refinery units were evacuated. Everybody had to leave except the skeleton crew. There is one thing that especially gets my attention, an email sent out to the Chemical side. I’m cutting and pasting it for you to read:
“On Thursday July 30 the fiber optic communication line to the TCC docks will be taken down for mandatory maintenance. This means no e-mail, internet, fax, or land line based phone service. Communication must be done through the docks radio or the cell phone numbers below. The work is planned not to exceed 16 hours and the contractors are dedicated to return service as soon as possible.” (BP)
Since the 2005 ordeal with the Shelter In Place for 16 hours, I just thought this was something that needed to be brought to your attention. What’s the shuttle doing this week? I tried to look on their website today, and it said landing is to be determined!!! Are they waiting on us?
I know the guys that are running this cable tomorrow morning. I asked the guy who decided what day it would happen. He said, “They are ready for us.” That sounds like BP is calling the shots. Is this just business or are we being set up? Time will tell. I just wanted to keep you informed. You ARE the expert. I’m just telling you what I’m hearing. — Izzi Ixxi
Like many an editor, I keep late hours, so by the time I opened the alarming email it was high noon, and Ixxi’s intelligence was half a day old. I pondered whether there were anything specific enough to warrant exposing Ixxi’s life or living to a killer company. We had never met or even spoken, but I had come to trust the BP Deepthroat who was so aware of the security details in Texas City, including that, in the aftermath of 9/11, Israeli Mossad agents had come to town to set up a counter-terror program for Texas City. The Iconoclast only recently obtained confirmation of this claim, from a senior member of Marathon Oil’s security.
I was just about comfortable with my decision when I leaned that I had made the wrong one. At one o’clock a news alert about Bryan, Texas broke. The college city that provided for Texas A&M was just an hour northwest of us, and it was on fire. Next came a jolting number: 70,000 people were evacuating. The El Dorado fertilizer factory, reportedly chock-full of ammonium nitrate, might blow up like earlier amonium nitrate explosions in the Oklahoma City bombing of 1995, or the Texas City explosion of 1947. A military HAZMAT team just happened to be training in the area, and it rushed in to help. The Aggies, whom the rest of us Texans accuse of being a bit slow-witted, were quick to salute their saviors.
BRYAN Chemical fire prompts massive evacuations, KXXV, 7/30/2009, http://www.kxxv.com/global/story.asp?s=10819714
Not long afterward I caught another report that clarified things better still. At the time that this potential national-level emergency was playing out, Barack Obama was sequestered with his top military aides to participate in National Level Exercise 2009 (NLE-09).
“Obama Participates in Terror Preparedness Test,” CBS, 7/30/2009, http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-5198249-503544.html
Later Obama kicked back with some buds to drink a few Buds, and the media spent the rest of the day discussing the drinking. They forgot to tell us more about the near-disaster out by Texas A&M, where the George HW Bush presidential library stood, and where Defense Secretary (and former CIA chief) Robert Gates had been the university president for years.
“Beer Summit Begins: Obama Sits Down With Crowley, Gates,” Huffington Post, 7/3/2009, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/07/30/beer-summit-begins-obama-_n_248254.html
Joe Biden showed for the festivities, a nice touch, and I thought the pre-brew photo-op went fairly well, although BO didn’t seem particularly festive. It was the Kenya Kid’s first time in the driver’s seat, after all, and for a military exercise in the vital petrochemical core of Southeast Texas. That’s the very area that had become so strangely accident-prone since 9/11. Obama may well have had a bit of NLE-09 PTSD.
Just thinking about his maiden mission must have given him the chills. If that fire in Texas Aggie turf had touched of a fertilizer-filled factory, lots of college kids would have died, and the cause would never have been ascertained. People might have supposed that foreign terrorists had done it, and clamored for more war. The personnel and equipment would be hard-pressed to hang on until the Obama nation mobilized. If the terrorists were American, say some Internet insurrectionists who published conspiracy theories, then he would have to invoke secret emergency powers that W had drawn up for himself in 2007, and refused to show to Congress, NSPD-51. Crazy people had to be kept in check if you were leading your country from a global to a world war, he mused. He smiled his first real smile of the day.
Given time, the Obama nation he was chosen to create would materialize, one way or another. 9/11 had worked wonders for W years ago, and a 9/11-2B could give him the advantage he needed to move the ball in the court of public opinion. It wouldn’t be a bad thing, really, if something like that occurred to refocus America, where people are so cynical about following their leadership.
Biden smiled with avuncular ease. Everyone knew that he could be counted on to step up if they had to replce KK (code-name for “Kenya Kid”). For now, at least, there was still time, and no one was thinking of Plan “Biden. In Obamalot, he was as loyal to Barry as Launcelot was to Arthur, and he liked Barry a lot more than Lyndon ever liked Jack.
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Unfortunately, the danger of a BP nuke is not remote. Two years ago, Iconoclast Publisher W. Leon Smith demanded a Congressional investigation of our efforts to defend the Texas Gulf Coast from Big Oil. I exhort all concerned citizens to read his editorial, and the links that it references, as a matter of life and death:
“Time to Investigate Houston Is Now”
The Lone Star Iconoclast, 3/3/2008
For the most complete collection of my articles, books and interviews:
“Capt. Eric H. May Index”
America First Books, 2003 – present
In the articles section are my latest work on world war and false flag prospects, particularly in Chicago and Houston. At the site as well is the Mission of Conscience history by my former unit XO, Major William B. Fox (USMC). His research into the Ghost Troop missions is invaluable, as it documents our development of cyber-cavalry tactics to save countless lives in the BP explosions of 3/30/2004 and 7/28/2005, and in the Texas City nuclear incident of 1/31/06 – 2/2/2006.
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Captain May, a former army general staff officer and later NBC editorial writer, is the founder and commander of Ghost Troop Cyber Militia, an all American group of veterans and activists. Shortly after the Texas City mission of 2006, he developed ALS, a rare, fatal neurological disease, and the former martial arts films instructor is a quadriplegic. The Iconoclast has joined the growing Internet calls for him to be awarded the Medal of Honor:
“Captain Eric H. May Deserves Congressional Medal of Honor,” The Lone Star Iconoclast, 2/2/2010, http://iconoclastnews.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=472:captain-eric-h-may-deserves-congressional-medal-of-honor&catid=31:editorial&Itemid=71
* To join Ghost Troop write unit executive officer, Lt. Pat Woodard, at ghosttroop@spiritone.com
The Texas Perimeter Hike —Installment #10
“A journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it.”
— John Steinbeck, “Travels with Charley”
Outside of Fabens, Texas, on the morning of my birthday, an unexpected thing happened: a little black puppy jumped out of a bush and wagged its tail. There was no identification and no one around to claim her. When I put some water in front of her, she lapped it in seconds. The more water I gave, the more she drank. I made a firm, lasting, and immediate decision between refills: this dog was coming with me.
A dog has to have a name, of course, so being that she was small, dark, and dehydrated, I named her Raisin. Not content with just a first name, I added a last: d’Etre. It’s a small play on the French “raison d’etre,” but it’s true, too: Raisin is a purpose larger than myself.
This impromptu adoption soon created several complications. We couldn’t enter restaurants together, nor grocery stores, nor many motels. Raisin overheats easily and can’t hike in the middle of the day, and if she’s tired, I have to carry her.
So what do I do? I lug.
Raisin has opened my eyes to some of the smaller wonders of this trek. She chases butterflies and birds and barks at horses, cows, and antelope. At times, when cars are rare, she walks the white line of the road because it’s the coolest place around. When we arrived at the shallow waters of the Rio Grande, she ran sprintingup and down the shore, happy to be on sand.
After nearly 300 miles of hiking together, we showed up at the Terlingua Ghost Town porch. A bastion of old-style society, the porch is a safe space for locals and strangers to sit and mingle. At about 70 feet long and 10 feet wide, it accommodates a hefty number of folks.
frowned when I saw the “No Dogs on the Porch” sign. I had hoped that, if anywhere, my pup and I would be welcome in the far flung regions of Big Bend country. As it turns out, the sign was more of a deterrent than a strict rule, mainly because no one cares to enforce it.
Raisin and I were the first to sit on the porch that day. As people arrived, she put on a show, welcoming strangers with the wagging of her entire body. Though still only a puppy, Raisin seems to have memorized the phrase, “Oh, isn’t she cute!” and doubles her body gyrations at the sounds. I’m a little jealous of the attention she gives others, but she makes me smile, nonetheless.
Dogs are important here in the desert, both for company and security. People seem to know the names of all the local dogs. There’s even a homeless dog named Brown Dog that belongs to no one but manages to hang on
by bumming food and rides off locals. Everyone knows him. People have woken up to find Brown Dog in their beds, not understanding how he got there or even how he opened the door.
The desert is not an ideal place for a puppy, but Terlingua has proven to be an oasis. In our short time, people I don’t even know by name know who Raisin is. She’s accepted here, a welcome diversion from the heat, bearing the common story of a traveler just passing through.
And so we move on, as is our purpose, six feet making scattered steps across these barren lands. We don’t know what lies ahead, but we are married to it anyway, finding comfort where it can be found, water where it can be had, and love baked in the desert sun.
Smatt is the penname of S.Matt Read. A writer, inventor, baker, and hiker, he is currently hiking the entire outline of the state. Follow his adventure here and
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Looking At Washington: The Right Question
Helen Thomas (at presidential press conferences with the writer as far back as the sixties!) got in one of the limited number of questions after President Obama had used up most of the time defending his reaction to the Gulf oil disaster. She asked:
“Mr. President when are you going to get out of Afghanistan? Why are we continuing to kill and die there?”
President Obama attempted to defend the war—now the longest war in American history. It has not claimed the lives of many American soldiers, compared to past wars (just over 1,000).
So this relatively small-scale war is not ruining the families of enough Americans in this country of over 300 million to produce a major reaction against it. But even one more death in Afghanistan is too many. We don’t know what the final result of our (and NATO) invasion of this Muslim nation will be. More and more estimates are that we can’t pacify this country and eliminate the Taliban.
The death toll in nearby Iraq has reached 4,401.
There were over 54,000 deaths in the Korean war. At least giving up the lives of 54,000 Americans accomplished something, though historically, Korea is none of our business—and we still have troops stationed out there.
Vietnam was a tragic waste of major proportions and that war shattered more than 58,000 families—for nothing gained.
There is a possibility our Afghan war will also produce no permanent gain. Taliban forces reoccupy areas in Afghanistan after our occupation to end Taliban influence.
A recent picture on the front page of the nation’s major newspapers showed a young wife who had lost her husband, killed in Afghanistan, brought the real horror of war into perspective—she was kneeling at the tombstone of her dead husband, in tears.
That’s what should have been remembered more on the recent Memorial Day. But too much emphasis on Memorial Day was glamorization of military units, and bravery.
The suffering of survivors should get more attention, and cause more hesitation on wars such as the gamble in Afghanistan, where we now provide half the NATO force, not a fourth, as when we entered the war. Many European allies have pulled their troops out.
Weapons Economy
As the Obama Administration searches for ways to reduce skyrocketing deficits, which must be reduced if the country is not to become an economic disaster, some fail to see how much money can be saved in military spending.
The first step could be to get out of the Muslim Middle East.
U.S. military officials say we have managed to defeat Iraqi based terrorists organizations. Thus President Obama’s plan to begin withdrawing many of the over 80,000 U.S. troops still stationed there should begin.
One hopes he will also begin withdrawing American troops from Afghanistan next year—whether or not the war against terrorists there is completely victorious. Many see that requiring many years.
There’s the question whether we should continue the deployment of so many troops in the Far East, especially the more than 40,000 in Japan where the prime minister has just resigned, in protest to the continued presence of American troops in his country.
Another sure method of reducing defense spending is in the field of weapons. The nation currently maintains a stockpile of nuclear bombs numbering over 5,000. Many estimates conclude that in any future war, if nuclear weapons are ever used, a big if, less than a hundred would likely be enough to accomplish whatever the goal is, to bring about peace.
The huge stockpile is a relic of our Cold War competition with Russia, but even if a war with Russia had erupted, most believe the use of several hundred nuclear bombs would have been sufficient to achieve victory. After that—if it was a mutual nuclear bomb war—they would have effectively wrecked both countries.
One recent estimate is that our nuclear bomb stockpile should be 311 bombs, or at most 500. Russia would have to agree to a mutual reduction—which some Russian leaders have already contemplated.
Many now believe we can’t justify current enormous spending on several new weapons, such as the F-35 fighter, estimated to cost over 500 billion dollars before the current procurement is completed!
There are suggestions that we equip a number of our submarines with D-5 Trident missiles, which carry a nuclear warhead. Deploying 24, which has been suggested, on each of 12 submarines would translate to 192 missiles which could be positioned all over the world.
Our B-2 Stealth bombers could also be equipped to carry a nuclear weapon. All this would enable us to reduce the maintenance costs of a 5,113 nuclear weapons arsenal by many millions of dollars, some estimating a total savings at billions annually.