Texas GOP Wants More Control Over Our Lives
So, what else is new? The whole point of a Democracy is to permit people to control and determine their own lives, to limit and prevent government from becoming a Dictatorship, in which the people would have no rights and freedom to live as they choose. So, whatever happened to the GOP platform of less government interference into our lives? Instead, every few years the Republican party tries to invade our lives with more government control in the form of what often appears to be oppressive and/or racist ballot proposals to change the Constitution.
Pushes Invasive Constitutional Propositions (Again!)
REVIEW: 2010 GOP Primary
So, what else is new?
The whole point of a Democracy is to permit people to control and determine their own lives, to limit and prevent government from becoming a Dictatorship, in which the people would have no rights and freedom to live as they choose.
A mainstay of the Republican Party from its inception to this present day is to ensure less government in our daily lives. It is one of the main reasons why I became a member of the GOP back in the 1950’s during the Eisenhower administration. President Eisenhower managed our nation with intelligence and promote actions for the well-being of the entire community. Back then, when businesses prospered, so did the majority of Americans. These days, greed overshadows the actions and inactions of our leaders and a significant number of hard-working citizens have become hardly-working Americans, suffering in this leader-imposed economic depression.
So, whatever happened to the GOP platform of less government interference into our lives? Instead, every few years the Republican party tries to invade our lives with more government control in the form of what often appears to be oppressive and/or racist ballot proposals to change the Constitution.
As with previous Republican Primary propositions or ballot initiatives, the five propositions below are non-binding; they are designed to determine how the electorate feels on certain issues. Overwhelming support for a proposition may lead to legislation being introduced in the future. This year the GOP is trying to push 5 propositions that further dissolve or impede our inalienable rights. In brief, they are:
Proposition 1. Each registered voter must present a photo ID to vote
Proposition 2. GOP says we need to control government growth via additional budget restrictions
Proposition 3. Stop government stimulus and instead cut Federal Income Taxes
Proposition 4. The GOP wants to force all of us to acknowledge God at public events
Proposition 5. The party wants to demand sonograms be shown to every woman who elects to have an abortion.
The propositions are NOT on the ballot of the Democrat Primary.
To read the propositions in entirety you may review them on the site of any county election office. The link below is to the Hays County Election Office. The propositions are cited at the end of the sample ballot.
The problem with all 5 propositions is that once again the GOP is looking to control the public in ways that currently are illegal according the Constitution of the United States of America and the Texas Constitution.
If they were not illegal, there would be no need for the GOP to push for these propositions.
In the U.S. each citizen has the right to determine his/her own lifestyle, religious worship (or not) and medical determinations.
Whether or not members of the GOP believe it or not, the government has no right to demand people to follow directives that do NOT concern government and which actually would impede the rights of all American citizens.
Consequently, even though the propositions are not binding, voters should mark a big “No” on the GOP primary ballot for each one of the five propositions. We need less government intervention, NOT more.
(Peter Stern, a former director of information services, university professor and public school administrator, is a disabled Vietnam veteran who lives in Driftwood, Texas.)
The Rich, The Poor, Sex & Money
What sex fiends and perverts just don’t seem be able to get into their thick heads is this: Just because you’ve gotten a nice tingly feeling down in your private parts doesn’t mean that you have to ACT on it. You can just appreciate it for what it is — a surprise gift. Or you can do what a lot of Taoists do — you can recycle it.
How To Avoid ‘Money Pervs’
What sex fiends and perverts just don’t seem be able to get into their thick heads is this: Just because you’ve gotten a nice tingly feeling down in your private parts doesn’t mean that you have to ACT on it. You can just appreciate it for what it is — a surprise gift. Or you can do what a lot of Taoists do — you can recycle it.
According to Taoist master Mantak Chia, all of us have a “microcosmic energy orbit” that runs up from the base of our spines, through our brains, down our fronts and then back around through our private parts and up through our spines once again. So. If you are starting to get all nice and tingly Down There, just suck that feeling up through your back bone and into your brain and then put all of that excess energy to work thinking good thoughts. Or something like that. Then you won’t have to waste all your spare time stalking or raping or nothing.
And this same rule about sex also applies to money. Some people think that they can never get enough money. They become addicts. They become “money perverts”. And right now “money pervs” appear to be running our world.
And what about the rest of us normal guys who would not hesitate for a minute to grab a child-molester who has stalked our children’s innocence and to throw him into jail? Yet all too many of us are just sitting back and applauding while a legion of unbalanced perverts stalk our children’s money.
And people like Rush Limbaugh and Benjamin Bernanke and folks in the Bush-Obama administration are actually cheering these money-pervs on — while these perverts reach their hands down into OUR pants.
It really bothers me right now that there are millions of right-wing teabaggers out there who make less than $100,000 a year — yet seem to hate us left-wing idealists who are poor as church-mice so much that they would do us bodily harm if given half a chance. And yet these same teabaggers seem to idolize and adore “money pervs” who cannot control their money addictions, who can never be satisfied and can never get enough dollars. These money-pervs will lie, steal, kill, sell out their families and country or do any other repulsive thing that they can to feed their insatiable habits.
These money-pervs are stealing the rest of us blind — and yet everyone out there seems to love them!
My suggestion?
Anyone who has hoarded up more than one million dollars should have to be registered with a national (or world-wide) “Money Offenders” registry — and shouldn’t be allowed to move into any new neighborhood until all the neighbors are warned first.
PS: You wouldn’t let a drug addict run your bank, your country, your army, your food industry or your health insurance, would you? You wouldn’t fawn over and try to please a junkie or think that glue-sniffers are your social superiors or better than you? Probably not. Yet every single day we turn almost everything we hold dear over to “money perverts”. Now does that really make any sense? Not to me!
From Bob Patterson: George W. Bush: Existentialist Extraordinaire: In the ranks of those who think that the universe is absurd and meaningless, it is logical to think that they would be the first to second the motion that George W. Bush deserves a place in the Existentialist Hall of Fame.
…Isn’t a part of Existentialism the “to be is to do” school of thought? If George W. Bush instinctively acted in an Existential way, without bothering to put “Being and Nothingness” on his famed reading list, then he was an Existentialist and thus eligible for membership in the Existentialists Hall of Fame.
…On the web site for Princeton University this definition of an existentialist: “a philosopher who emphasizes freedom of choice and personal responsibility but who regards human existence in a hostile universe as unexplainable.” So Bush and Cheney decide they gonna kick Saddam’s ass, they get a convenient excuse, they replace a Congressional Declaration of War with a clause in the doctrine of Executive Privilege, they replace the Chancellor-for-life title with Commander-in-Chief, and then when the war goes into extra innings, they hide behind a tsunami of “no one could have possibly forseen” bullshit, and if that doesn’t fit the definition of Existentialist, then this columnist had better start singing the song with the line about “gimme three steps towards the door.”…
Regarding Mantak Chia’s book, “Awakening Healing Energy Through Tao: This book clearly describes two meditation exercises to improve the flow of chi through the energy circuits in the body. The first involves sending positive energy to your internal organs and other structures so that they can function better. The second is the “microcosmic orbit,” a very ancient practice which moves energy in a circular motion up the spine, over the head, down the front of the body, and back up the spine. At the end of this exercise the chi is then focused in the Tan Tien center, right below the navel. http://www.amazon.com/Awaken-Healing-Energy-Through-Tao/dp/0943358078.
From Steve Fournier: A class war is under way, the people are losing, and the laws are powerless to help. Only a mass movement to radical change can restore our damaged republic. www.currentinvective.com
From Mohammed: Here’s a short film by Yoni Goodman, entitled “Closed Zone,” that expresses the feeling of frustration and lack of freedom that pervades Gaza (less than two minutes and worth your time).
Please sign my petition to stop Congressional lobbyists from owning our country:
Constitutional Amendment to Stop Lobbyists: Congress has spent the last few decades avoiding enacting a decent election reform law. Let’s help Congress along by demanding a Constitutional Amendment that will require political candidates to take ONLY $500 or less in campaign contributions from any given person or organization.
It’s time for lobbyists to stop owning our government.
We can do this!
Like Speed Skating, Our Olympic Preview Continues Because We Can’t Stop
Hello and welcome to another exciting installment of our exclusive Winter Olympics preview: Fifteen Reasons to Be a Summer Olympian.
Hello and welcome to another exciting installment of our exclusive Winter Olympics preview:
Fifteen Reasons to Be a Summer Olympian.
It’s a preview so exclusive even the Olympic Committee doesn’t know about it. And, quite frankly, we’d like to keep it that way. That’s because while the larger media outlets routinely get bogged down with boring interviews and analysis of things like the effect of wind trajectory on Bob Costas’ hair, we are able to avoid all that. How? By going nowhere near the actual Olympic games.
Last week, we began our special preview with an in-depth look at the Slalom, Bobsleigh and Biathlon events. For those who missed it, here’s a quick re-cap: Athletes who compete in the Slalom and Bobsleigh are insane, and though Biathlon sounds exciting, we challenge you to watch it without drooling on your arm.
OK, now that we’re all caught up, we can begin this week’s installment of our special Olympic coverage by taking a look at Cross Country Skiing — which is even less exciting than the Biathlon since there’s no shooting involved. (At least in the Biathlon you are occasionally awakened by gunfire.) In cross country skiing the only sound is the commentator, who is trying to keep himself awake by finding exciting words to describe what appears to be several people looking for the nearest ski lift.
Which isn’t to say there isn’t plenty of excitement at the Winter Olympics. In fact, when it comes to Curling, the longer you watch four people moving a large stone across the ice using nothing but brooms, the more exciting cross country skiing gets. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the sport of Curling, this competition became an official Olympic event eight years ago as a replacement for Ice Bowling, which [Pause here for dramatic effect] fell through at the last minute.
In Curling, each team consists of four players: the Lead, who delivers the stone; the Second and Third, who sweep the ice; and the Skip, who calls out important strategy like “Sweep faster!” and “Do you think anyone’s still watching?!” This continues until one team is able to place its stone closest to the center of a special target marked on the ice. Or until Bud Light pulls its corporate sponsorship.
Next we have Figure Skating, which gets its name from the Ukrainian phrase Ukrlegnz Kgronzmof Itzentofl, meaning “Cold ankle twist.” Figure skating combines music with complex skating routines that include a series of required elements, such as the “salchow,” “double axle,” and the dreaded “triple latte.”
This brings us to Freestyle Skiing, in which skiers perform jumps, flips and other thrilling acrobatic maneuvers, just like I do, except that they don’t land on their heads. Continuing along that theme, we will end today’s installment of our three-part Winter Olympic preview with the Nordic Combined, which, as you might expect, combines skiing and large hairy men in horned helmets.
That’s what you’d expect, but you would be wrong.
It actually combines the acrobatics of freestyle skiing (jumping and high speeds ) with the stamina of cross country skiing (yawn), effectively re-creating how Nordic men returned home from pubs some 200 years ago.
Next week we will wrap up our special preview with a look at Luge, Skeleton and other Olympic events whose athletes are routinely denied medical coverage.
(You can write to Ned Hickson at the Siuslaw News at P.O. Box 10, Florence, OR 97439, or at nhickson@thesiuslawnews.com)