American Loser

Editorial  If there is anybody ready to lose a war for the United States of America, it’s President Barack Obama.

The man is perfect for the job.

Of course, he has set to it up to where he can’t lose politically; sort of withdrawing troops prior to the 2012 presidential elections is pretty savvy.

Plus, it’s not like anyone planned on removing those corrupt GM and Goldman Sachs executives with drone airplanes either.

Change?But when was the last time President Hamid Karzai built a lousy gas-guzzling automobile?

Seriously, who has done more damage to the United States, or the world, in the last year if not Wall Street?

There’s the same amount of evil in Manhattan apartment buildings as in Helmand River Valley caves.

The difference is the doors.

Honestly, we lost the “War on Terror” from the day it started.

And it’s no surprise that no one has admitted that out loud yet.

It may take another 100 years before we begin to hold that national realization.

It took 100 years for the Federal Reserve honchos to seriously consider allowing the federal government to burst financial bubbles before they collapse the system on their own.

That said, America doesn’t have 100 years.

All while Obama was mulling his general’s war plans of which we hear there were four options, we had not heard a peep from the anti-war crowd.

Did Obama even consider one less violent, cheaper alternative to troop escalation?

Is there no off-the-shelf model for poverty reduction that could be adapted to suit the needs of the Afghani?

Afghanistan is a country of roughly 28 million people; that’s only the size of Texas, plus undocumented workers.

With all this talk about a “public option” for national healthcare, you’d think someone would have given Obama a hint, right?

No. Obama never got the message: First, do no harm. All he got was silence and no opportunity to hear any alternative.

There was no Jane Hamsher throwing her weight, her cash, her blog, her social network behind the anti-war alternative.

The last thing any progressive seemed to want to stage a “color revolution” like those in the Ukraine, Georgia, or Iran against Obama.

But isn’t denial why Obama won the 2008 presidential election? Isn’t that why we love him so blindly?

For all of Michael Moore’s tears on Larry King Live over the escalation, we hope he shed one for himself.

There’s a mighty big timber in our national eye.

Perhaps we really do get what we vote for.

And we can bask in the warm afterglow of our collective smugness.

The grass is greener on our side of the fence.

Afterall, grass is inherently American.

— Nathan Diebenow

December 2009