Mogwai Among Bin Laden — U.S. Fed Terrorist Until 9/11: Whistleblower

CHINATOWN, Texas There’s a new meme about to sweep the Internets.

It’s going to have its own Demotivational poster series.

It’s going to have its own T-shirt line like Three Moon Wolf.

It’s going to spank the Keyboard Cat, Dancing Matt, and Dancing Baby.

Plus, it’s going to rickroll the Tron Guy, bro!

It’s “Mogwai among Bin Laden.”

Okay, it’s a total rip-off of “Robocop on a Unicorn.”

But this new meme illustrates an important insight into the foreign policy of the United States.

Former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds dropped it the last day of July during an interview on Mike Malloy’s radio show with guest host Brad Friedman.

It is the fact that the U.S. government had ‘intimate relations’ with Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban “all the way until that day of Sept.11,” she said.

In other words, America gave not unlike a fictional mogwai creatures from the ’80s film Gremlins a known international terrorist food, water, shelter, and supplies only to see them cut off the day of the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history.

The details of this relationship are still classified, though “it’s not very difficult to put two and two together on this,” she added.

“There is so much information that, of course, our Mainstream Media has not reported, but there have been some good books written on the topic,” Edmonds said.

The French newspaper Le Figaro, in fact, reported in October 2001 that Bin Laden spent 10 days at an American hospital in Dubai two months before the attacks on the World Trade Center Towers and the Pentagon.

There, the man wanted in connection to the bombing of the USS Cole was visited by the local CIA chief, the then-head of Saudi intelligence, and his family, according to French intelligence.

The U.S. and the hospital deny such a meeting took place.

Big Trouble In

Xinjiang, China

Edmonds and other experts have maintained that the U.S. government continued to use Bin Laden, the Taliban, and al Qaeda in the decade after the fall of the the Soviet Union.

The purpose?

Control energy (oil and natural gas) resources, and monopolize military arms sales in Central Asia.

There was one hitch, however.

Can’t disrupt relations with China, Russia, and their satellites Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan out in the open.

Or bad things would happen.

The solution was the Republic of Turkey.

By tapping into this central Asian nation’s culture and credibility, the U.S. could manipulate the region, as it had in Afghanistan against the Soviets in the 1980s.

Plus, the U.S. would have the added advantage of Turkey being an ally of NATO, a remnant Western alliance of the Cold War.

The battleground region is Xinjiang, China.

The Uyghur people (aka Chinese Muslims) call it home.

August 2009