Monthly Archives: August 2009

Indians Catch Spaniards Napping In New Mexico

Indians Catch Spaniards Napping In New Mexico

By the time the soldiers tortured the truth out of two Indian captives on Aug. 9, 1680, it was already too late for the Spaniards to stop the unthinkable from happening in New Mexico.

Halfway through the 16th century, the starry-eyed conquistador Coronado wandered the Southwest in search of gold-plated cities only to limp back to Mexico with sore feet and a sunburn. As a result of the costly fiasco, the region was written off as worthless wasteland for the next 50 years.

After the consolidation of their southern conquests, the next item on the Spaniards

The Porn Business Is Sagging

The Porn Business Is Sagging

Like many businesses, porn has fallen on hard times. Sales of sexy DVDs have dropped drastically, and the porn producers aren

Avoid Embarrassment By Changing Your Gas Filter

Avoid Embarrassment By Changing Your Gas Filter

According to the UNDER-TEC Corporation in Pueblo, Colo., each day there are millions of people around the world who find themselves trapped in elevators, small cars and copy rooms with people who are unable to meet gas emission standards.

This condition, known within the medical community as malodorous flatus (a Latin term meaning “The dog did it”) has been a major focus for UNDER-TEC

Ode To President Obama

Ode To President Obama


Where are they? You promised to create more jobs!

You promised to create road building jobs as did your hero FDR! Millions of Americans need work.

So, where are the jobs? You promised.

Instead, you tell people to go back to school or to retrain. For what? There are no jobs!!!

We voted for you because you promised “change.” Well it has changed, but NOT in a more positive way for the majority. Unemployment is spreading!

So, where are the jobs? You promised us. So, where are the jobs?

Violence is escalating while state and local governments have to cut police and firemen.

So, where are the jobs? You promised.

Instead, I see you on talk shows and at the MLB All-Star game, laughing it up with Tim McCarver, et. al.

So, where are the jobs? You promised.

Americans still are hurting. You promised change. It is changing, but not for the better.

So, where are the jobs? You promised!!!

(Peter Stern of Driftwood, Texas, <>, a former director of information services, university professor and public school administrator, is a political writer well-known and published frequently throughout the Texas community and nationwide. He is a Disabled Vietnam Veteran and holds three post-graduate degrees.)

O Canada (Hear My Plea)

O Canada (Hear My Plea)

Canada, you have lots of open space where nobody resides.

Plenty of room to roam, and you are, as a nation, environmentally percipient.

Will you consider

Grand Old Momster

Grand Old Momster

So let

9/11 Truth KO

9/11 Truth KO

Texas Hospital To Study Experimental H1N1 Vaccines

HOUSTON, Texas – The Baylor College of Medicine received over 300 responses for paid volunteers to test the vaccine for the H1N1 flu.

The clinical trial takes into account two experimental vaccines for what has been otherwise known as the “swine flu.”

Volunteers will be paid for their trouble of being monitored for six months; they must report any reactions such as redness, swelling, fever, body aches, and/or muscle weakness.

“We are mainly looking at how the body responds against this new strain,” said Dr. Hana El Sahly, an assistant professor at Baylor College of Medicine.

The trials start in a week, though the actual flu season begins in mid-September.

Public health officials expect over 150 million doses of the vaccine for delivery this fall.

The officials, however, do not want a repeat of the 1976 swine flu vaccine campaign that caused a large number of people to become paralyzed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome.

Baylor College of Medicine is one of eight trial sites, including St. Louis University in St. Louis, Children

Lies and Videotape and Sex Is Wa-a-a-ay Overrated

Lies and Videotape and Sex Is Wa-a-a-ay Overrated

As Uncle Hugh used to say, “Truth ain

Death Threats, Effigies, Swastikas Show Crazy Side Of Health Finance Debate

ATLANTA, Ga. – The rhetoric over the financing of healthcare in American reached a new level of crazy last week.

First, a recap.

Brad Miller, a Democratic congressman of North Carolina, got death threats.

Lloyd Doggett of Texas and Frank Kratovil of Maryland, two other Democratic congressmen, were hanged in effigy form.

Now, David Scott, a Democratic congressmen of Georgia and member of the Blue Dog Democrats and the Congressional Black Caucus, has his congressional office painted with a Nazi swastika.

The grafetti came after Scott

Mogwai Among Bin Laden — U.S. Fed Terrorist Until 9/11: Whistleblower

CHINATOWN, Texas There’s a new meme about to sweep the Internets.

It’s going to have its own Demotivational poster series.

It’s going to have its own T-shirt line like Three Moon Wolf.

It’s going to spank the Keyboard Cat, Dancing Matt, and Dancing Baby.

Plus, it’s going to rickroll the Tron Guy, bro!

It’s “Mogwai among Bin Laden.”

Okay, it’s a total rip-off of “Robocop on a Unicorn.”

But this new meme illustrates an important insight into the foreign policy of the United States.

Former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds dropped it the last day of July during an interview on Mike Malloy’s radio show with guest host Brad Friedman.

It is the fact that the U.S. government had ‘intimate relations’ with Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban “all the way until that day of Sept.11,” she said.

In other words, America gave not unlike a fictional mogwai creatures from the ’80s film Gremlins a known international terrorist food, water, shelter, and supplies only to see them cut off the day of the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history.

The details of this relationship are still classified, though “it’s not very difficult to put two and two together on this,” she added.

“There is so much information that, of course, our Mainstream Media has not reported, but there have been some good books written on the topic,” Edmonds said.

The French newspaper Le Figaro, in fact, reported in October 2001 that Bin Laden spent 10 days at an American hospital in Dubai two months before the attacks on the World Trade Center Towers and the Pentagon.

There, the man wanted in connection to the bombing of the USS Cole was visited by the local CIA chief, the then-head of Saudi intelligence, and his family, according to French intelligence.

The U.S. and the hospital deny such a meeting took place.

Big Trouble In

Xinjiang, China

Edmonds and other experts have maintained that the U.S. government continued to use Bin Laden, the Taliban, and al Qaeda in the decade after the fall of the the Soviet Union.

The purpose?

Control energy (oil and natural gas) resources, and monopolize military arms sales in Central Asia.

There was one hitch, however.

Can’t disrupt relations with China, Russia, and their satellites Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan out in the open.

Or bad things would happen.

The solution was the Republic of Turkey.

By tapping into this central Asian nation’s culture and credibility, the U.S. could manipulate the region, as it had in Afghanistan against the Soviets in the 1980s.

Plus, the U.S. would have the added advantage of Turkey being an ally of NATO, a remnant Western alliance of the Cold War.

The battleground region is Xinjiang, China.

The Uyghur people (aka Chinese Muslims) call it home.

Texas Republic Turns

Texas Republic Turns

Reno or Bust, Part 1:

Reno or Bust, Part 1:

Green Ideas

Green Ideas

Suddenly there

Monstro Must Not Be Allowed To Swallow America

Monstro Must Not Be Allowed To Swallow America

“As long as people remain ignorant, and hand that ignorance down to their children, I fear there shall never be a national change of heart within my lifetime.”

This opening quote is the closing sentence of my previous column.

I figured picking up where I left off last week, the second consecutive entry addressing the insidious racial divide which threatens to swallow America like Monstro devoured Pinocchio, would be apropos.

Most painfully apropos.

Because the debate has now risen to a level of toxicity that undermines the very fabric of democracy.

I admit that calling it a “debate” is somewhat overly tactful; mob rule has never been a byproduct of debate, and vice versa.

For at least two generations Congressional Republicans have made it their mission, abetted from the Executive by Nixon, Reagan, Bush and Bush, to minimize educational opportunities for the less fortunate

Forget Meteors

Forget Meteors

Quitter Sarah Palin Is Hustling $$$$ For The 2012 Presidential Election

Quitter Sarah Palin Is Hustling $$$$ For The 2012 Presidential Election

Palin PAC is trying to build a war chest.

With more than 3 years to go it seems not too early to start collecting money for the 2012 Presidential Election, but what Americans want a quitter to run for President? Apparently, many still do. Palin is an ongoing mistake at best.

Palin simply quit halfway through her term as Governor of Alaska, letting down the people of the largest American state. Perhaps her conservative followers believe God told her to do it? Or, maybe she is hearing and listening to voices no one else can hear?

Basically, Palin quit in order to raise contributions for her questionable run for President in 2012. Her Palin PAC has announced it has raised $732,867 in the first half of 2009. If you care to sign up for a moron, you can visit: (

Apparently the National GOP has not learned its lesson. Having Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee is a self-fulfilling prophecy of failing.

Neither Republicans or Democrats sincerely want to do what is best for the American community. The poor quality of candidates highlights that fact.

Most hardworking Americans are now hardly-working Americans thanks to the two-party rule that cares only for wealthy special interests who continue to purchase the best government money can buy. The majority of Americans don



Enroncare Eats Puppies

Enroncare Eats Puppies

If you want Bernie Cross Maddoff Shield, Bear & Sterns Health Plan, or Lehmana, fine.

You can even have Enroncare, too.

By the way the national healthcare reform movement is going, however, the official mongrel of Texas will outlive us all.

And we

Nice Shoes. Wanna Book?

Nice Shoes. Wanna Book?

As Uncle Hugh used to say, “If it was good the first time, they

August 2009