Letters To The Editor
Two 501c3 Non-Profit Organizations Need Help To The Editor: The Hedley Senior Citizens in Hedley, Texas and the Hall County Home Delivered Meals in Memphis, Texas are two very small and rural organizations in the Texas Panhandle, both needing financial donations. With your one donation you will be helping two organizations. We share a Board of Directors, but we are two separate entities. Hedley has a population of 390 people and our Senior Citizens serves 55 people daily including 20 home bound. We are working out a 103 year old building that is NOT handicapped accessible with bad A/C & heater. Memphis has a population of about 2300 and the Meals on Wheels program serves 68 home bound people a day. With the costs of food, fuel, and utilities increasing, our funding just does not go a long way and most of our elderly can