Building Ecotopia: Sustainable Homes

Building Ecotopia: Sustainable Homes

The good news with greener building methods is that such techniques are currently in vogue all over the world. The bad news is that many builders make a few changes here or there in standard industrial building techniques and call it “green,” without going nearly far enough towards a truly sustainable building practice. Modern building methods are very taxing on the environment. Cement production is one of the most energy intensive of all industrial manufacturing processes.  Cement production now accounts for over eight percent of total carbon dioxide emissions from all human activities. Cement kilns in the United States are the third largest source of dioxin contamination. Part of this is due to the fact that kiln operators are allowed to burn toxic wastes as fuel. Concrete trucks require about 500 gallons a day of highly alkaline wash water to operate. This type of water is toxic to fish and other aquatic life.

Steel, another predominant building material, is made from iron ore and other non-renewable resources. Steel production is energy intensive due to the amount of heat required. The fuels used to fire steel forges are also a major source of carbon dioxide and other forms of air pollution.

Vinyl siding and other plastics used in the construction industry are made from non-renewable petroleum by-products. Plastic manufacturing requires toxic chemicals and produces more toxic waste. Plastics don

April 2008