Daily Archives: January 29, 2008

Nano Nationalism

Nano Nationalism

New Delhi



Home Country

Steve was out in the Mule Barn parking lot the other day, tightening something with his wrenches under the hood of his pickup truck. The rest of us stood around, looking wise, and sipping coffee.

“You sure it ain

Lawmakers: Crazy, Or Just Nuts?

Lawmakers: Crazy, Or Just Nuts?

Just about the time you think lawmakers

Fred Thompson Quits. Why Now?

Fred Thompson Quits. Why Now?

We all know that former senator/sometime actor Republican Fred Thompson dropped out of the Presidential race on Tuesday. The question is, “Why then?” Why not on Monday? Why not last week? Or last month? What drives a person to be a candidate when everyone in the world knows he or she has no chance? And what finally convinces that candidate that the rest of the world has been right all along? All this gets to an even more basic question which is, “Why do people who can

Cold Medicine: The Key To True Introspection

Cold Medicine: The Key To True Introspection


Do Legislators Really Comprehend the Medicare Program?

Do Legislators Really Comprehend the Medicare Program?

I am responding to Texas Congressman Joe Barton

Composting Toilets

Composting Toilets

If you

In 2009, Who Would You Want In The White House When The Spit Hits The Fan?

In 2009, Who Would You Want In The White House
When The Spit Hits The Fan?
The South Carolina Debate, Episode 4

I was still in South Carolina, hanging out at the CNN filing room, waiting for the Democratic primary debate to begin. Oh, and last night, the Myrtle Beach Chamber of Commerce representative recommended that I eat dinner at The Sea Captain

Status No

Status No

I would like to share with you some footage of Caesarus Crawfordus that was on “A Daily Show with Jon Stewart” earlier this week.

The scene, shot Jan. 19 at the Wright factory, Frederick, MD depicts Fearless Leader as he delights in his ride on the “Stander”

The 1/31 Nuke: Proof for Ron Paul

The 1/31 Nuke: Proof for Ron Paul

Dr. Paul

A Witch Hunt Choreographed By Idiots

A Witch Hunt Choreographed By Idiots

As Uncle Hugh used to say, “Don

I Had A Scream

I Had A Scream

Barack Obama should wash his mouth out with soap.


He praised Ronald Reagan.


Largest New Zipline In Texas Opens March 1 — Wimberley Zipline Adventure, Eco Walking Tour

Wimberley Zipline Adventure, Eco Walking Tour

Wimberley, Texas Adding to a new environmentally friendly trend in vacation fun (similar to the bungee jumping craze of days gone by) Wimberley Zipline Adventures is a walking tour and thrill ride high between two mountains where you glide on a series of five wire cables that start at 250 ft. and go to 875 ft. long at up to 100 ft. above the ground with 15-mile views.

The owner, Michael Robinson, said, “My wife and business partner, Kristy, and I went on vacation to Belize last year and rode on a zip line canopy tour there. It was so much fun, and showed so much of the diverse ecology of Belize, that we decided to start a zipline of our own here in Wimberley, Texas.”

The Robinsons teamed up with Jim and Cheryl Turner of Wimberley. The Turners bring their extensive construction background and their sensitivity to local environmental issues based on construction footprints. Jim Turner told the local city council last spring, “I am very impressed that the tour has very low impact on the land and the business uses no electricity (other than batteries) and has no running water or septic system.”

The property borders Pierce Creek which is a wet weather creek on a solid limestone bottom.

The tour starts with flight school where they outfit you with the proper gear of a mountaineering harness, lanyard, and pulley system to teach you the techniques for safe high flying fun. After flight school its off to an Eco walking tour that explains the local geography and tells of the plant and animal life, a short history of the Wimberley area itself, the ranch that the tour sits on, and other interesting facts while you gaze at wonderful 15-mile views of the valley below.

Wimberley is a Texas destination that entertains hundreds of thousands of visitors a year with all kinds of environmentally friendly fun. They have crystal clear water with the Blanco River and the Blue Hole on Cypress Creek.

Wimberley Zipline Adventures is a appointment-only event and starts March 1. Appointment times start at 9 a.m. and go every two hours with the last start at 3 p.m. Monday thru Saturday. Sunday hours start at 11 a.m. The cost is $60 per person. The minimum age is 10 years old to senior citizens; as long as their customers can walk unassisted

Mexican Cowboy Exhibit Opens This Week

ELKO, Nevada

Facing Fascism


Owen Temple

Nashville, Tenn.

Custom-Suit Disqualifies Muslim Track Star


Boaters, Anglers Urged To Help Stop Spread Of Invasive Species — CLEAN BOATS CHALLENGE


ALEXANDRIA, Va. The BoatU.S. Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water has joined the Izaak Walton League of America’s campaign to help stop the spread of aquatic invasive species and is urging all recreational boaters who trailer their vessels to take the League’s “Clean Boats Challenge.”

The challenge is a quiz at <http://www.CleanBoats.org> that educates boaters and anglers on how to inspect and clean their boats to ensure that lakes and streams are protected from non-native, aquatic hitchhikers.

“Taking the Clean Boats Challenge will give boaters and anglers the information they need to make personal choices that can help stop the spread of invasive species,” said BoatU.S. Foundation Director of Clean Water Programs Susan Shingledecker.

In addition to the short and easy-to-complete Clean Water Challenge, the Web site also includes information on how to clean a boat properly and some tips for trailer boaters. For example, it is recommended that a boat and motor be drained and inspected for mud or plant life before departing the launch ramp. It then should be allowed to dry completely for five days before launching into a different body of water.

The Web site has links to a clean boat video demonstration, maps identifying the locations and spread of invasive species, and an educator’s resource guide are also available at the Web site. Boaters can even take an online “Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers Pledge.”

The Izaak Walton League is one of the nation’s oldest and most respected conservation organizations with a grass-roots network of over 40,000 members and over 300 local chapters across the U.S.

The BoatU.S. Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water is a national 501(c)(3) educational and research organization that operates more than a dozen programs including the only accredited, free, online general boating safety course, a low-cost EPIRB rental program, the “Help Stop the Drops” national clean fueling campaign, a free kid’s Life Jacket Loaner Program, and has awarded hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants for nonprofit groups for boating safety and environmental projects.

Giants, Patriots Head To Super Bowl


January 2008