THE BEST Iconoclast of the Year — Albert Arnold ‘Al’ Gore, Jr.

Albert Arnold ‘Al’ Gore, Jr.

Al Gore is the Lone Star Iconoclast’s Iconoclast of the Year.

His accomplishments in 2007 showed us what the world already knew.

We should have picked him as our president in 2000.

Oh, wait, I forgot we did pick him to be our president!

Well, it just proves once again that the decision to crown George W. Bush was the Supreme Court’s lowest point of all time.

Instead of electing a true American Statesmen, we elected a political stooge, the worst president in American history at least since James Buchanan.

Gore ranks up there with President James Monroe.

Not since Gen. George C. Marshall has there even been such a class act.

Burned by election defeat, Vice President Gore rose from the ashes, took inventory, and resumed his lifelong role as an environmental activist.

The Tennessean traveled the world with a laptop computer, delivering a simple warning to the populous:

Global warming is here. We’ve got a moral duty to stop it for the sake of future generations! We can stop it!

His PowerPoint presentations were captured on the silver screen in the documentary, An Inconvenient Truth.

The film’s commercial success brought global warming to audiences like no other campaign had.

Not even Hollywood could ignore its impact, so it won the Academy Award for Best Documentary this year.

Then months later, Gore achieved what only three U.S. presidents could, the Nobel Peace Prize.

He shared the honor with the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change “for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change.”

Indeed, Gore is empowering us to combat global warming.

It’s the little things we do in our private lives that have the greatest effect on this earth.

Change fluorescent light bulbs.

Car pool.

Eat out less.

Hell, walk more!

These little acts accumulate as we go.

The earth is in human hands.

Thank you, Mr. Gore, for leading the way.

January 2008