Plumbers 2.0 — Velvet Revolution Seeks Info On RNC’s IT Guru

WASHINGTON , D.C. They say it’s better to give than receive.

But this holiday season, the Velvet Revolution says, “Hey! Why not both?”

The Washington, D.C. non-profit is offering a half a million dollars to whistleblowers.

In exchange, VR wants information about what they describe as a very crooked, Republican operative.

His name is Michael Connell.

More specifically, VR wants the low-down about his companies: Gov Tech Solutions, New Media Communications, and Connell/Donatelli.

The first two are based in Ohio.

That last one is in Virginia.

So what’s so bad about Connell and his businesses?

Well, the guys over at VR hear that Connell and his companies involved themselves in the United States Attorney scandal.

The website domain that Connell used for George W. Bush’s presidential bids was the same that White House officials used to hide data on the U.S. attorneys that were fired.

But Connell is notorious for being a “Bush loyalist.”

“We’ve found he’s really been involved in every major GOP election issue or scandal since at least 2000,” said Brett Kimberlin, founder/president of VR, in an interview with the Iconoclast.

There’s illegal phone jamming in New Hampshire.

There’s Florida in 2000 when his company received the IT contract to all the state agencies including the office of then-Secretary of State Katherine Harris.

There’s Ohio in 2004 when his company, SmartTech, ran election results through his computers before releasing them to Ken Blackwell’s Secretary of State office.

There’s also the “Swift Boating” of Sen. John Kerry and Rep. John Murtha.

Just to name a few.

But his activity with the Bush family dates back to 1988 when he joined Bush I’s presidential campaign in Iowa to develop and maintained a voter contact database.

“We have whistleblowers who are telling us that this guy was a key player to the invisible election strategy that the GOP has been engaged in for years,” noted Kimberlin. “We have evidence that this stuff was illegal. We’re going to try to get congressional hearings to get him under supeona power.”

Indeed, the information VR is looking for might result in an arrest and conviction of not only Connell but also high-ranking government officials.

Including W?

“We’ve got this guy (Connell) hooked up with Karl Rove back when Bush was governor of Texas. Then this guy hooked up with Jeb Bush and created the very, very first GOP website,” Kimberlin said.


December 2007