Hard Evidence – 911 Ripple Effect — Documentarians Find Critical Errors In 9-11 Official Story

Documentarians Find Critical Errors In 9-11 Official Story

COLUMBIA, Missouri The official story about the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon that it was done by foreign terrorists does not withstand the test of hard evidence, according to investigators and producers of a newly released video, “9-11 Ripple Effect,” William Lewis and Dave vonKleist.

The two documentarians, who produced “9-11 In Plane Site” in 2004, have dissected video and photographic evidence that points to a massive cover-up in the official government story that they now regard as a conspiracy theory full of holes that do not stand up to the facts.

The new video explores errors in the official story regarding the 16-ft. hole in the outer wall of the Pentagon. The documentary includes news reports of bombs, explosions and potential demolition of World Trade Centers 1, 2, and 7, a strange attachment on the bottom of Flight 175, and mysterious flashes caught on videotape just prior to impact with the buildings by at least five separate sources.

Quoted are military experts, pilots, and eyewitnesses who say that the government’s official story is impossible.

Some of the footage was included in the 2004 release, but new elements have been developed since then and are explored in “Ripple Effect.”

“The intent was to take everything that has happened over the last three years and add it to what we already had,” said Lewis, who co-wrote, co-produced, and directed “Ripple Effect.”

Both Lewis and vonKleist (the video’s narrator, co-writer, and co-producer) were interviewed separately by The Iconoclast. Each came to the same conclusion that an independent investigation must be conducted for the public to learn the “real truth” of what happened on Sept. 11.

“There are now many people doubting the official story,” said vonKleist, “not only in this country but all over the world. We’re talking millions and millions and millions of people now that don’t believe the official story. Over half the people in New York now think there was some sort of governmental involvement.”

The Two-Part Question

Since the attacks of 2001, those who have questioned the “official story” often become targets for criticism and are labeled as “conspiracy theorists.” However, vonKleist says that the basic question is legitimate and, if asked correctly, it does not venture into conspiracy territory.

“It’s a legitimate question now and this is it, in two parts,” said vonKleist: “If the official story is a lie, then what really happened?”

Too many people start with “what really happened,” which, according to vonKleist, is getting the cart before the horse and opens up the questioner to criticism and accusation of being a conspiracy theorist and extremist.


“Instead of trying to come up with what really happened and again, I would challenge anyone who’s seen ‘In Plane Site’ or ‘Ripple Effect’ to tell me what it is that I’m proposing as far as a conspiracy theory is concerned. I don’t recall theorizing anything. I am simply examining the evidence, looking at the pictures, looking at the videos, and basically asking common-sense questions. The key here is that question, ‘If the official story is a lie, then what really happened?’ Let’s start off with the first part: ‘If the official story is a lie.’

August 2007