Even Peacniks Get The Blues — Dialogue Limits Frustrate Conference Activity At Third International Women’s Peace Conference

Dialogue Limits Frustrate Conference Activity
At Third International Women’s Peace Conference

DALLAS, Texas When I heard that the Third International Women’s Peace Conference was to be held in Dallas this year, I was both ecstatic and a bit baffled. I mean, Dallas of all places? Although the city, renowned for its pretentious tendencies, is my home town, I hardly think it’s known for its commitment to non-violence.

Although the conference would take place just around the corner from my neighborhood, I agonized for eight long months that I would be unable to attend. The cost was prohibitive what dedicated activist has $250 to spend on a conference? And that doesn’t include the airfare and hotel costs that many of the wonder women managed to shell out. Luckily, The Lone Star Iconoclast and privilege of the press came to the rescue, just in the nick of time.

Considering the cost, there were a surprising number of young women there, although our presence was fractional compared to the crowd of dedicated, more experienced folks. I tried not to walk in the doors with any preconceived notions (an impossible task), but I admit I was none too surprised when I noticed few women of color and a majority of women whose hair matched their skin.

Now, I’m not trying to be a hater here

July 2007