Daily Archives: July 25, 2007

Wood Ducks Rebound Through Conservation


All Nutty On The Western Front

All Nutty On The Western Front

The vast majority of the American population says it wants the war in Iraq to end.

But not many are taking action to make it happen.

Every United States citizen, though, has vested interests in making sure that they stop the war.

Take healthcare, for example.

The $450 billion that has already been spent on the Iraq war could have paid for the healthcare of every single American (and then some) for one entire year.

But why hasn

Through Hypnosis, You Can Become A Better Golfer

Through Hypnosis, You Can Become A Better Golfer

Impeachment is Mandatory: Who

Impeachment is a Priority Mandatory: Who

Delusionary Loyalty

Delusionary Loyalty

The war that George W. Bush, Dictatorial Figurehead of the United States Government, sent our troops to fight in Iraq never really existed.

It was all a transformational mural in his delusional mind.

What little there is left of it (not that he had all that much to play with from the outset).

There were no “weapons of mass destruction” as promised; the late Saddam Hussein was not sleeping with al Qaeda; there was absolutely no way the United States could have

Blind Orphan Whistles A Happy Tune

Blind Orphan Whistles A Happy Tune

With the encouragement of his piano teacher at the Texas School for the Blind, Fred Lowery got up the nerve to audition for a radio program on July 23, 1929.

A few days later, the station manager phoned the 19 year old blind orphan to tell him he had the job. For the first time in his life, he would be paid for what he most loved to do

My International Flight

My International Flight

International travel has changed since the last time I flew out of the country (over 27 years ago. Most other things have change as well). There are the obvious security checks post 9/11, like removing one

How I Survived My 65th Birthday: Dinner At Chez Pannise!

How I Survived My 65th Birthday: Dinner At Chez Pannise!

Good grief! Who would ever have thought that I would make it all the way to age 65 without accumulating Grey hair, arthritis, a walker or a plot in the cemetery. I

Lawyer Tried To Take Them To The Cleaners

Lawyer Tried To Take Them To The Cleaners

I know the price of everything keeps rising, but when I read recently that a man in Washington, D.C. wanted somewhere between 54 and $67 million for a pair of pants, it seemed to me it was a bit high. I mean, if you were to pay fifty or sixty million dollars for a pair of pants, wouldn

Bring Juries Back To Texas

Bring Juries Back To Texas

These days, you cannot turn on the internet without some ad, popping up about “lawsuit abuse.” Similar billboards dot the highways, and are on the sides of buses.

Over the last two decades, millions of corporate dollars have poured into this “tort reform” campaign; and President Bush has become its “Cheerleader-in-Chief.”

It is a sophisticated operation to convince the public it is their best interest to limit lawsuits, and ultimately to severely limit jury trials. Isolated examples of abuses are used to wrongly generalize a justice system out of control. The examples often are incomplete, embellished, riddled with half-truths

FEMA Issues Alert Regarding Formaldehyde


Next 9/11, Summer, 2007?

Next 9/11, Summer, 2007?

The Nameless Past

If it were only happening in another place and time it would be so easy to see through!

The son of a national leader relies on his father

Letters To The Editor

To The Editor:

How heartless it would have been to leave Scooter behind bars while his exploiters remained free (possibly working up a terrible grudge to explode into a devastating book).

Remarkably, only former New York Times reporter Judy Miller (who never published a story using her information on the Plame security leak) served prison time, 85 days, until she finally revealed her source, Scooter Libby. Another leaker, former Deputy Secretary of State Dick Armitage, apparently inadvertently, leaked to Chicago Sun-Times columnist Bob Novak, while Bush chief strategist and Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove leaked to both Time Magazine

Taliban Takes Over Texas Schools

Taliban Takes Over Texas Schools

As Uncle Hugh used to say, “Like they say down at the rendering plant,

Where Does July 17 Executive Order Leave The 1st Amendment?

Where Does July 17
Executive Order
Leave The 1st Amendment?

It is unknown whether President Bush

President Bush Issues New Signing Statement


Iraqi PM Tells Foreign Allies To Leave


New Jersey Passes Carbon Reduction Bill


Iraqi Workers Protest Oil Law


North Korea Closes Reactor, U.N. Confirms

SEOUL, South Korea

July 2007