Letters To The Editor
Published June 12, 2007 | By W. Leon Smith
Dear Editor, Stop the wildfires sweeping our country by using Supertanker water bombing aircraft such as the DC-10 (see: DC-10 supertanker, on internet), Boeing-747 (see: evergreen supertanker, on internet), and IL-76 (see: waterbomber.com , on internet) that can squelch 12 to 24 football fields in area of fire in a single 12,000 to 24,000 gallon drop of water or retardant and stop the fire in one day instead of weeks or months as is now the case. Also see: <www.JBS.org> (search: wildfire) exposing U.S. forest mismanagement. We must act immediately and end the terrible suffering! Sincerely, Larry Hamblin, Hesperia, Calif.
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