Free Time

Free Time

I was noticing that Hillary Clinton looked pretty good on TV the other day. This is no indication of an inclination on my part to vote either for or against her, mind you. It was merely an observation. Now Hillary has a few years on me, and I was wondering how she manages to keep up with her hectic schedule and still look OK.

I understand that she might have a good plastic surgeon (more power to her), and a fleet of stylists (clothing, make-up, hair, etc.) But I was thinking more about having the energy for the schedule she keeps (when I am often tired and overwhelmed). I expanded this thought to include the schedules of many politicians and VIPs in all areas. And let me repeat; many of these folks are even older than I am. How do they do it?

Then it occurred to me (duh, no brainer) that, because of their ability to pay for help, the very wealthy (or those who finagle ways to use OUR money for THEIR purposes) are able to concentrate all their energies and efforts toward their passion, be it politics, acting, business, art, medicine, whatever. They cut right to the chase in ways we ordinary folks cannot.

I started wondering what life would be like if, when I awoke, my oatmeal was prepared and served to me, the dishes cleaned and put away (by someone else). What would life be like if someone else had driven to the supermarket for the oatmeal and milk?

May 2007