Daily Archives: April 22, 2007

Cleaning Out The House

Cleaning Out The House

Some of my cousins and their spouses (and one helpful mother-in-law) recently completed the sad job of moving their mother into an assisted living facility. Two of this woman

The Fool On The Hill (Fascist Version)

The Fool On The Hill (Fascist Version)

Let me look at today

Blood Keeps Flowing In Mitchell-Truitt Feud

Blood Keeps Flowing In Mitchell-Truitt Feud

(Last week the Mitchells saved the Truitts from certain death. Finding the starving strangers at the foot of Comanche Peak, white-haired patriarch Cooney took care of them until they could fend for themselves.)

(But the newcomers turned on their benefactors, and a bitter land dispute culminated in a confrontation that took the lives of two Truitts. A Hood County jury convicted Cooney Mitchell of murder on the testimony of Reverend Jim Truitt and sentenced him to hang. With his last words, the old man called upon fugitive son Bill to avenge his death.)

For weeks after the execution of Cooney Mitchell, the fear of retribution haunted the Truitts, who lay awake at night waiting for the dreaded return of the dead man

No Pulitzer For Me, Thanks To A Crazed Fly

No Pulitzer For Me, Thanks To A Crazed Fly

Every journalist has a routine. For example, I always write my column early in the morning. The earlier the better. That

Letters To The Editor

Good Morning,

Well I almost lost my dinner last night when I saw a Nissan car commercial with one of the All American Boy, Ted Nugent

Secretary Of U.S. Dept. Of Health & Human Services Tells Congress to Leave Medicare Part D Alone

Secretary Of U.S. Dept. Of Health & Human Services
Tells Congress to Leave Medicare Part D Alone

The Gunfight Over Good And Evil

The Gunfight Over Good And Evil

In wake of the Virginia Tech tragedy, FoxNews.com reports that the National Rifle Association is backing legislation that would improve national background checks for gun purchasing and thus improve the likelihood of keep guns out of the hands of murderous individuals (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,267620,00.html). At the same time, posts on the internet from some gun-store proprietors of the mom-and-pop variety and their most enthusiastic supporters reflect a greater interest in the broad arming of any citizen, and are portraying gun-toting enthusiasts as volunteer soldiers in a battle of good over evil.

Though we typically do not apply the term evil to ourselves, it would be the rare person that did not at times struggle over the self inflicted woe that we have come to call evil

Seeing Through The Smoke

Seeing Through The Smoke

We see them almost every day. They

Republican Senator Calls For Gonzales


Texas Still Tops Domestic Wind-Power Rankings


Are You Going To Believe Them, Or Your Lying Eyes?

Are You Going To Believe Them, Or Your Lying Eyes?

As Uncle Hugh used to say, “Them travelin

Copycats Be Damned!

Copycats Be Damned!

A U.S. district judge ruled earlier this month that certain documents related to the Columbine High School massacre should remain sealed for the next two decades.

Local sheriff

Black Men Face Worst Social Crisis In America


New Video Equipment Grant Given For Crawford Career, Technology Students


USDA Announces Availability Of Value-Added Producer Grants


Author, Playwright To Speak At Progressive Forum Houston


Iran Pardons Swedes Weeks After Brits


Expert To Address Human Trafficking At Methodist Event


Chipping For Truth: Film Uncovers Secrets To Symbols In Washington, D.C. — Interview with David Bay, Producer of Cutting Edge

Interview with
David Bay
Producer of Cutting Edge

LOS ANGELES, Calif. Comedian George Carlin once said that he leaves American flags and yellow ribbons to the “symbol-minded.”

Obviously, Carlin has no use for those who practice patriotism, but the same can’t be said for David Bay who takes seriously the people who employ symbols of the occult.

“It really doesn’t matter if a common citizen doesn’t believe in the New World Order. The people who control all the armies and nuclear bombs in the world, they believe in it. They hold the power,” said the executive producer of “Cutting Edge.”

As such, Bay recently released the second in a seven-part DVD series, “Secret Mysteries of America’s Beginnings.”

This new volume “Riddles in Stone Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C.” unlocks the hidden meanings behind the artwork and layout of our nation’s capitol city.

The “Secret Mysteries” series has expanded some after Bay spoke with the Iconoclast last year. So much more information has bubbled up since his award-winning film “The New Atlantis” was first released that two more films will be added, he said.

“We want people to be aware of the meanings of these things and to be aware that the history of America is a history of the secret societies,” said the executive producer.

Where “Atlantis” left off, Bay continues to build his case almost literally from the ground up with “Riddles.”

In “Atlantis,” the film postulates that President George W. Bush is actively yet not so subtly carrying out a plan to establish a “new world order.” This plan, so the theory goes, was originally hatched 425 years ago by Sir Francis Bacon.

In “Riddles,” evidence of Satanism mounts as Bush appears to quote an occult book written by a White House aide.

“It’s just amazing,” said Bay. “Bush after 9/11 fulfilled the Illuminati plan to a T for what they wanted done the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the passing of dictatorial laws. I mean, Patriot Act I & II are extremely dictatorial. Basically, we’ve lost all our rights and privileges. The government can do whatever it wants to do.”

But to see the depths of this twisted plan, one can look at how the way the streets of Washington, D.C. are structured, he added.

The Iconoclast’s resident skeptic Nathan Diebenow spoke with Bays recently to discuss Masonic symbology, the differences between Masonic presidents, and protections against unwanted images.

Here is that interview:

TAKS Out? Course-End Tests In?


April 2007