Jane Stillwater’s 10th Report: — Too much stuff: The Paris Hilton rationale for not leaving Iraq

Too much stuff: The Paris Hilton rationale for not leaving Iraq


By Jane Stillwater 


“When I first came to Iraq,” I told one of the reporters in the press room today, “my thinking was very cut and dried — that we needed to withdraw American troops from here immediately, like, next week.  But now that I’ve been here for a while, I’ve come to realize that the situation here is a lot more complex.”  It is VERY complex.  It’s time for me to sit down and really think about this.  Should U.S. troops stay in Iraq?  Or should they leave?  At this point, it seems pretty much like a coin toss to me.


One U.S. soldier I talked to said, “I think that the situation here in Iraq is very similar to back when the mob ruled Chicago in the 1930s and the Untouchables had to go in and clean up the town.  We can’t leave here until we’ve cleaned the place up.”


And another soldier I talked with agreed.  “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t believe in this mission.  We just can’t leave right now.  There’d be a bloodbath.” 


So I got to thinking that maybe it IS a good thing for American troops to stay here.  But then I got a wake-up-call from my friend Angela.  “Jane, did any of the soldiers you talked to ever ask you about what is going on in the rest of the world and why everyone — besides Bush and the neo-cons — wants the Americans out of

April 2007