Jane Stillwater’s 1st Report: — The Great American Dream still exists — in Iraq!

Greetings from Kuwait!  This post is gonna be quick and dirty and not very coherent because I’m writing to you from a Kinko’s at the Kuwait City airport.  After two days on the plane, I arrived here around midnight and, since I can’t even begin to try to arrange to get picked up until 6 am tomorrow morning, I’ll be spending the rest of the night in a Barca-lounger in the airport offices of Kellogg, Brown & Root.  How surrealistic is that! 


Here’s my first dispatch:

The Great American Dream still exists — in Iraq!

By Jane Stillwater

You know how we all thought that the American economy was going down-hill?  It’s not true!  We’re just not looking in the right places.  Look closer — the 1950s American economic miracle isn’t dead.  It’s still going on.  People are still getting well-paying jobs.  Mortgages are still being paid off.  Jobs are available everywhere.  You can find one just for the asking.  Three cars in your garage?  No problem.  No money worries, no debts.  Decent jobs are out there begging.  Yes, the 1950s American economic miracle is still happening. 


Only it’s happening in Iraq.


How spooky, how weird, how de-ja-voo.  While American cities are rotting and American children go to sleep hungry at night, there still is a land — far far away — where everything is as it was before our present economic American Easter egg cracked.


March 2007