Greg Abbott, Defender of Holy Faith

Greg Abbott, Defender of Holy Faith

Speaking at a Republican Party dinner Friday night in Lake Jackson, Greg Abbott told Brazoria County Republicans that the national results of the November elections do not represent the dawning of a new age for Democrats in Texas. According to a Feb. 18 story in the Brazosport Facts, Abbott urged the group, “All we need to do is stand on our principles.”

The Brazosport Facts story continues, “During an introduction speech by state Rep. Dennis Bonnen, the Angleton Republican told the audience Abbott stood for those values, as exhibited by his defense before the U.S. Supreme Court of the Ten Commandments statue on the Texas Capitol grounds.”

In June 2005 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision that the statue could remain on the Capitol grounds. In his well-documented typical fashion, Abbott milked the case for all the grandstanding he could squeeze out of it. He made a huge, high-publicity production of flying to Washington, D.C. to argue the case personally at the Supreme Court, then held another grand press conference when the Court later issued its decision.

During his recent re-election campaign, Abbott mailed voters a glossy brochure containing a full-page picture of him at the side of the Ten Commandments statue, exhibiting himself as the defender of holy righteousness. (No doubt the photograph used in the campaign mailer was taken by Abbott

February 2007