Get It Right, Mr. Kemp

Get It Right, Mr. Kemp

There continues to be much discussion among Iraq War supporters, most notably the reference of former Congressman and Vice-Presidential candidate Jack Kemp comparing U.S. involvement in Iraq to the events of WWII Europe. Mr. Kemp is correct in his assertions, but has his facts inside out.

Consider the following: Germany, without provocation, invaded the sovereign nation-state of Poland on Sept. 1, 1939, sound familiar?

The following year, they crushed the Maginot line like a Tinker Toy, occupying France from 1940-44 as the Vichy Regime, sound familiar?

The Germans established their own so-called Green Zone in The City of Light along present day Boulevard Hausmann, sound familiar?

They also established state-of-the-art military bases throughout the country. Sound familiar?

The French Nation of which I love dearly was sadly anti-Semitic, sound familiar?

Captains of industry along with German corporate titans including Bayer Pharmaceuticals had aided and abetted the Occupation. Sound familiar?

Banks in neutral Switzerland were busier than a Chinese Laundry. Sound familiar?

To the south, Spains fascist leader Franco, having seen enough of a young Marshal Tito in their 1938 civil war also decided on neutrality. Sound familiar?

In The Fatherland, the so-called man on the street remained indifferent and disengaged from reality. Sound familiar?

German propaganda ruled the day. Sound familiar?

French General Charles De Gaulle took refuge in London where he gave what is arguably the greatest call to arms speech of the 20th Century, sound familiar?

Many within the French military had collaborated with the German occupying force, sound familiar?

And yes, there were even perceived terrorists, among those my own family, shot and taken prisoner of war while operating as the Free French, sound familiar?

So Mr. Kemp, although the intention may differ in these two wars, the result remains the same. That is, on one hand you have the intent of state-sponsored fascism and the other of democratizing the Middle East.

How can you, sir, justify both your intent and result without respect to the present conditions no less? America has repeated the barbarism of
the past disguised as a benevolent intent.

The French have an old saying, ” The more things change, the more things stay the same.” How pathetic and demeaning of our beloved America, sound familiar?

Daniel J. Smiechowski is a columnist for the Hillcrest News in San Diego, Calif. He is a former public school teacher with a diverse academic background in Sociology, Politics, French, Linguistics and Education. He has traveled abroad 18 times including study at the University of Paris, France, “La S

February 2007