Democrats: 1st Priority, Reinstate The Integrity Of The Constitution

Democrats: 1st Priority, Reinstate The Integrity Of The Constitution

When the Democrats take control of the House and Senate in January 2007, they must multi-task to clean up six years of corruption and to attempt to right the multitude of wrongs thrust upon America by a self-serving cadre of Neo-Cons.

This is no time to stagnate in fear of what the 2008 elections might hold, and posture would-be future political hope into inaction.

Americans said it loud and clear on Nov. 7.

“We want change.”

And they want it now.

Although dealing with the mess in Iraq will take center stage, Democrats must act immediately to heal the Constitution.

This means gutting the Patriot Act.

Retain the directive of forcing intelligence agencies to share information, as they should be doing anyway, but remove any and all verbiage that dilutes the Constitution and the inherent freedoms that it is designed to protect..

Reinstate habeas corpus.

Enforce strict adherence to the Geneva Convention, as it was originally intended.

Win the so-called war on terror through diplomacy, first by opening direct talks with leaders, both enemies and allies, of all nations, and divining a method of peaceful coexistence. Force the issue and reinstate the United States as a beacon of maturity. Build a world of construction vs. the past six years of idiiotic destruction.

Make haste to convene a summit of all interested parties regarding Iraq and emphasize our unblenching determination to immediately begin a structured withdrawal of troops, along with the return of that country to its people, along with the forfeiture of holdings wrought by illegally positioned corporate raiders.

Reinstate oversight of the Executive Branch, including hearings and corrections regarding no-bid profiteering, surveillance, and homeland security initiatives.

Provide independent investigations into:

November 2006