Texans To Rally Before Bush Votes In Crawford — Three Protests To Coincide With President’s Visit

DALLAS – Hundreds of Texans are expected to voice their disgust with the policies of the Bush administration days leading to the 2006 general elections.

Rallies are scheduled in Crawford on Sunday, Nov. 5, at 3 p.m.; in Dallas on Monday, Nov. 6, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.; and back in Crawford, on Tuesday, Nov. 7.

Crawford Sunday

The Sunday event to be held at the Crawford Peace House is in response to the seven-month deployment of the Eisenhower strike group sent in support of the Iraq and Afghanistan occupations.

This U.S. Navy group was last sent to the Middle East right after the terrorist attack of Sept. 11, 2001. The group consists of two guided-missile destroyers and a guided-missile cruiser.

Organizers say that the deployment of the 6,500 sailors, though they are practicing military exercises, is a “threatening gesture” to Iran.

“We must let our government know we do NOT agree with intimidation. The United States must learn to demonstrate diplomacy not threats,” said the CPH press release. “Our shock and awe tactics with Iraq led us straight into quicksand. A looming military presence in Middle Eastern waters could explode into a nightmare none of us want to imagine. We must mobilize to STOP the next war NOW!”

Organizers suggest that participants wear dark-colored clothing and bring gear in the case of rain. Black clothing and black umbrellas are preferred, they said.

President George W. Bush is scheduled to be in Crawford Sunday for the birthday of his wife, Laura.

For more information, visit the Crawford Peace House website (www.crawfordpeacehouse.org/).

Dallas Monday

Texans will also be protesting the administration outside Reunion Arena in Dallas where the president will headline a Republican Party rally to drum up support for statewide GOP candidates on the eve of the general election.

Afterward, Bush and incumbent Gov. Rick Perry will attend a fund-raiser at Reunion Hyatt hotel.

The staging area for the “Worst Administration Ever” rally will be at Ferris Plaza, across from Union Station and Belo Broadcasting Company at 406 Houston Street.

Organizers suggest that participants avoid vehicular traffic and reach the arena by using public transportation. Both the Dallas DART rail and the Fort Worth Trinity Rail Express-Train have a Union Station stop.

Participating groups in the anti-Bush rally include LULAC, ACORN, NAACP, The Democratic Party, The Libertarian Party, The Green Party, Peace Action USA, Down Winders At Risk, The Crawford Peace House, The Dallas Peace Center, CodePink of Greater Dallas, and KNON, Air America, and Spanish language radio listeners.

For more information on the anti-Bush rally, visit the Dallas Air America Group website (www.dallasairamerica.org/BUSHDFW/bush.htm)

For more information on public transportation, visit the websites for the DART (www.dart.org/) and the TRE (www.trinityrailwayexpress.org/newweekeb.html).

Crawford Tuesday

A press conference is scheduled to be held at the Crawford Peace House on Election Day.

The tentative speakers will discuss the U.S. military presence in the Middle East in relation to Iran.

President Bush is expected to vote in Crawford on Tuesday.

November 2006