Letter To The Editor

An Open Letter to:
The Honorable John McCain
United States Senate
241 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-0303

Dear Senator McCain

I repeat my letter of June 29 and am registering it. Like many of your constituents, and not a few supporters, I wonder why you, along with many other senators, are “fiddling while Rome burns.” You certainly know what I mean by that metaphor.

The mighty United States Senate is busy, again, debating flag-burning and gay marriage amendments to the U.S. Constitution while potential disaster exists in many places around the world: specifically, Iraq, Darfour, Iran, North Korea, and not least in the budget process of United States. Have politics and small thinking become dominant in your building, the ambience of the great Barkleys, Haydens, and Russells?

Many of us who know Washington well, some like I, having worked one way or another for U.S. Presidents of both parties, wonder what is going on in the White House: snoopers reading our correspondence, maybe examining our bank accounts, especially those of us who have traveled or have worked extensively abroad.

Many armed service veterans, some even disabled in other wars, myself among them, wonder also how you in particular can go along (without speaking out) with this Administration and its secretive assault on our liberties, all in the name of an endless, often vague, cry of “We

July 2006