Have DU — Will Travel: Interview with Captain William Roberts

DU Radiation Travels, Says UK Scientist

‘To my mind, it’s a human rights issue.’
Interview with Chris Busby

‘Depleted uranium is the trojan horse of nuclear war.’
Interview with Leuren Moret

‘What we’ve done is to replace the fallout from bomb testing with the so-called small permitted releases from nuclear plants.’
Interview with Dr. Ernest J. Sternglass

‘It violates all traditional ideas of war.’
Interview with Dr. Rosalie Bertell

‘There ain’t no buck stopping anywhere.’
Interview with Major Doug Rokke

‘We’re like little sheep, little lambs that didn’t know the truth.’
Interview with Major Denise Nichols

‘There is exposure, but exposure doesn’t mean that it’s a threat.’
Interview with Ann Ham

‘Depleted uranium arms are not utilized
by units currently deployed here in Iraq.’
Interview with Captain William Roberts

‘That reminds me of the ash with Mount St. Helens. It darkened the skies in different continents.’
Interview with Tim Hix

‘They have exposed close to a million of our troops.’
Interview with Karl Schwarz

‘Depleted uranium arms are not utilized by units currently deployed here in Iraq.’

ICONOCLAST: We are doing a story pertaining to what was published in the LONDON TIMES last Sunday. They did a story about depleted uranium radiation traveling to the U.K. during shock and awe. What is being done regarding U.S. Army regulation 700-48 that mandates immediate thorough environmental remediation in Iraq?

CAPT. WILLIAM ROBERTS: Actually, sir, any questions pertaining to things that happened in units that are no longer deployed to Iraq need to be referred either to the units that were here at the time or to the Pentagon U.S. Army Public Affairs Office. The units that are here not do not utilize that type of munition.

ICONOCLAST: They do not utilize what? Depleted uranium?

ROBERTS: Depleted uranium arms are not utilized by units currently deployed here in Iraq. We don’t have that type of combat operation during this time. And we cannot speak for units that are not here under our command. So any question on actions or activity that took place by previously deployed units have to either be sent to the units deployed here at that time or to the Office of the Chief of Public Affairs at the Pentagon which I believe is your appropriate point of contact and their contact information is available on the internet, at www.usarmy.mil and go to the public affairs link.

ICONOCLAST: When did they cease using depleted uranium?

ROBERTS: When combat operations ceased. We had uh, as I said I can’t speak for when they were used or what they were used for, but we do not have them. We’re not exactly facing an armored threat here in Iraq at this time.

Captain William Roberts is a media spokesman for Multi-National Forces in Iraq.

March 2006